Argentina has reached an agreement with China for the export of soybeans for $ 1.6 billion


President Mauricio Macri announced this afternoon that after more than 20 years of negotiations Argentina has reached a "historic" agreement with China to sell soy flour. In the industry, they think they can export 5 million tons per year in return for $ 1.6 billion.

HISTORICAL AGREEMENT: WE WILL EXPORT Soymeal to China. After 20 years of negotiations, we reached an agreement. China is the world's largest consumer of vegetable protein for livestock feed and we will now sell you a higher value product

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) September 10, 2019

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The agreement reached by the government with his Chinese couple This will sell the by-product that until now has not been exported to this destination.. At present, the country only sells cereals and soybean oil to China.

"This is a new key for the agricultural sector.Our country is the largest exporter of soybean meal and one of the largest markets in the world is open. It means more manpower, more work in the agri-food sector and more opportunities for Argentines"said the president Macri from your Twitter account.

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The other positive aspect is related to this, although so far China has never imported soy flour, consumes about 70 million tons per yearThis opens up a panorama more than interesting for the local product.

In addition, according to the El Cronista specialist site, companies had pointed out that soybean meal was the only local product that could help the country tochicar the trade deficit with China for years, of the order of 8 billion dollars a year.

Finally, the Minister of Agro-Industry, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, said: "China is our main trading partner after the European Unionand we have built a very deep relationship that allows us to initiate and close negotiations between our countries. Argentina was once again a reference in the world and this is a new stage that will benefit the Argentine soybean chain ",



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