Argentina is among the 25 countries with the most deaths per million inhabitants


Argentina broke a tragic new barrier, they are already more than 45,000 deceased as a result of the coronavirus. In the world ranking, it is at position 21 in relation to the number of deaths per million inhabitants, with 994 deaths, according to official data published by Mondometers.

The European territory, which is now experiencing a new wave of infections, is even more complicated: with Italy and United Kingdom as protagonists of the alarming health situation. However, our country is close in number, although in second row, next to Switzerland, Sweden and France.

Infectologists consulted by Bugle They are trying to analyze why we have achieved this record if, unlike other countries, we manage to avoid the collapse of the health care system. In addition, they explain what may happen in the next few weeks with the increase of infected in recent days.

Quarantine prevented the collapse of intensive care, but the death toll per million inhabitants remains among the highest in the world.  Photo: Ignacio Blanco / Los Andes

Quarantine prevented the collapse of intensive care, but the death toll per million inhabitants remains among the highest in the world. Photo: Ignacio Blanco / Los Andes

“With the XL quarantine, which lasted for many months, we were able to prevent the collapse of the health system and this was essential so that people did not die for lack of care or because they did not have a ventilator. , as has been the case in parts of Europe. . The point is, while they weren’t all infected together, yes many people have been infected and, as a result, we also had to mourn a large number of deaths, ”says Lautaro de Vedia, former president of the Argentinian Society of Infectious Diseases and head of the division of special assistance for intensive care at Muñiz hospital .

According to him, what has failed and which today can help to interpret Argentina’s position in the ranking and the number of deaths is that “we could not stop the contagion of the elderly and people with co-morbidities ”. “A clear example is what happened with massive infections in geriatric“, he emphasizes.

The new increase in cases worries and puts the whole country on alert. Despite this, the vast majority of infected young, the effects in three weeks would not be as severe as those experienced in the first wave. “At another point in the pandemic, we knew that an increase in the contagion curve translated into an increase in the mortality curve 20 days later. In that case, will not necessarily be like this “, Sostiene De Vedia.

Experts consulted by Clarín ask to increase the number of tests, to reduce the impact of the increase in infections in the youngest.  Photo: Germán García Adrasti

The experts consulted by Clarín ask to increase the number of tests, in order to reduce the impact of the increase in infections in the youngest. Photo: Germán García Adrasti

The explanation lies in the age of the people infected so far in this epidemic (or second wave). “We have yet to reach the peak we had in daily infections, but we are in high numbers and, nevertheless, intensive therapies are not complete. Today, we have around 3,600 hospitalized in ICUs while at the worst time we reach 5,100 occupied beds, ”explains the infectologist.

For this reason, it appears that today more than ever, in addition to respecting the preventive measures to stop the increase in infections, we must “Increase testing and isolate”. “These young people who are infected have to rub themselves and stay at home until their release because they may not have serious complications but, if they infect their parents, uncles or grandparents, in a few days the situation may be different, ”he warns. The specialist.

In the world ranking, Belgium occupies one of the first positions with 1,743 deaths per million inhabitants. Italyfifth records 1.338 deaths per million. United Kingdom at 1,245; United States, 1,193; Spain, 1,135; and France, 1,161. Sweden has 1,005 deaths per million and Switzerland is just behind Argentina with 988.

“The first thing the ranking shows is that no one has the truth about the strategies to follow. The United Kingdom and the United States have taken a completely different path than Italy and Spain and today they are all mourning a very high number of deaths ”, testifies Arnaldo Casiró, head of the service of infectious diseases from Álvarez hospital.

He points out that the outlook for deaths in our country is poor and testing is lacking. “I think you have to rub and isolate. Today we do not know the real number of infected and that means we can’t finish analyzing what happened or understand where we’re going, ”he adds.

While waiting for the progress of the vaccination campaign, the experts ask to increase the tests and the asylum.  Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

While waiting for the progress of the vaccination campaign, the experts ask to increase the tests and the asylum. Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

For Miguel Dictar, head of the infectology department at the Alexander Fleming Institute, it is still very difficult to interpret what happened and add some certainty for the future. “With the Monday newspaper, we can find out, but Monday has not yet arrived. There are many variations that come into play, including vaccination and the possibility of vaccinating people at risk, our ability to test and virus mutations, ”Dictar lists.

Said we have to get back to call for civic responsibility already generate awareness among young people who are the ones who stopped taking care of themselves and started to get infected and spread.

“The situation changes from day to day. For now, intensive therapies are not complete and it surely has to do with the evolution of covid in adolescents and young adults, which is more benign. The problem is when start spreading the virus to at-risk groups»Adds Dictar, who recognizes that the way is to test, isolate and again respect the instructions of distancing, alcohol gel and use of a mask.

Regarding the ranking, he ensures that the vaccination will be what, in the coming months, can make the difference and change the positions on the list. “If the countries of Europe, which in many cases already have vaccines suitable for those over 60, manage to vaccinate a large part of their population at risk, it is likely that they could start to lower the rate of mortality in a few months, ”he emphasizes. .

And says that too that must be Argentina’s goal: get a vaccine that allows you “to reach the groups at risk and to get as close as possible to collective immunity”.



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