Argentina is in the top 25 revenue via Bitcoin in 2020


The country that tops the rankings is the United States. Investors have collectively raised more than $ 4 billion in Benefits of Bitcoin manufactured in 2020, more than 3 times the next busiest country, China.

“This may come as a surprise given that China historically has by far the highest volume of gross cryptocurrency transactions, but as we have seen previously, US-centric exchanges have seen significant inflows in 2020 which seem to have taken place towards the end of the year, which probably explains the great profits of the country “, they detail in Chainalysis.

Argentina appears well positioned in 21st place with a profit of 200 million dollars.


Vietnam, meanwhile, ranked 13th in Bitcoin investment income with 351 million. surpassing the top-ranked countries on traditional economic measures, such as Australia, Saudi Arabia and Belgium. Although this country has experienced extraordinary economic growth over the past 20 years, it ranks 53rd in GDP with $ 262 billion.

On the other hand, the Czech Republic ranks 54th in GDP with $ 251 billion, but 18th in profit investment made in Bitcoin with 281 million. Spain ranks 19th for GDP with $ 1.4 trillion, but ninth for Bitcoin’s realized profits with 554 million.

At the same time, Turkey ranks 25th in GDP with 761 billion, but 16th in Bitcoin investment income made with 300 million. India, the second most populous country in the world and the fifth economy with a GDP of $ 2.9 trillion, ranks 18th in Bitcoin investment income with 241 million.

“Geographic analysis of cryptocurrencies is difficult due to the decentralized nature of the technology. It is impossible to know for sure where the parties to an individual transaction are. However, we can produce a good estimate using the transaction data, ”they explain in Chainalysis.

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