Argentina is the country with the least alcohol consumption in the world – News


Spain, Argentina and Colombia have the lowest percentages of alcohol consumption among their populations.

This analysis was carried out with more than 100,000 people around the world between November and December 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic.

The British regions of Scotland and England have more than double the rate of alcoholism in terms of “severe” drunkenness than countries like Spain, Italy or Portugal.

The Scots and the English say they got ‘seriously’ drunk until their physical and mental faculties were affected and they ‘lost their balance and rational speech’ an average of 33 times a year. represents the highest rate among the 25 countries analyzed by the independent research company.

Southern Europe has the lowest data for “heavy” drunkenness, led by Portugal, Italy and Spain, with an average of 14 “severe” binges per year and per person.

Globally, the countries with the lowest alcoholic population rate are in South America, led by Colombia and Argentina, where an average of 6.5 “heavy” drunkards are produced per person annually.

The survey also looked at international drug and alcohol use. Alcohol led the way, with 94% of consumers in 2019, followed by cannabis with more than 64% of global consumers and tobacco with 60.8%.

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If the drug least consumed internationally was heroin, it is however the one that required the most urgent medical treatment with more than 12% of the world population with medical intervention because of its consumption, according to the ‘study.

Data that positions the UK as the first country in the world with the highest alcohol population rate in 2019 is due to a cultural issue, as explained by Adam R. Winstock, founder of the Global Drug Survey in London.

The English and Scots “see alcohol as one form of entertainment and have never embraced moderation when it comes to drinking,” according to the analysis..

“Many other cultures view alcohol as an accompaniment to a social event and frown on drunkenness in public, but we have often embraced it as a cultural identity,” Winstock explained in the report.

Another survey conducted by the same organization last year shows that 48% of Britons surveyed said they had drunk more since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

More than 5% of people under 25 in the UK said they sought hospital treatment after getting drunk, compared to a global average of 2%.

The World Drug Survey has warned of the dangerous problem of drinking alcohol in the UK, which is greater than that of any other drug.

To consume with moderation. Its sale to minors under 18 is prohibited.

If you or someone you know is going through a problematic consumption situation, Sedronar provides you with personalized attention, support and advice via its website..


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