Argentina is the country with the most think tanks in the region


It is also the fifth country in the world. What are the institutions distinguished by the index developed by the University of Pennsylvania?

Argentina is the country in Latin America that has the largest number of think tanks, according to the survey conducted by the Lauder Institute of the University of Pennsylvania.

Since 2006, the "Go To Think Tank Global Think Tank Report" has been badessing the role of these institutions that examine and study public policy around the world.

In this latest edition, the Instituto has found 8,162 think tanks worldwide, 1023 of them in Latin America (including the Caribbean).

In this context, Argentina is the countries in the region with the largest number of think tanks (227) and the fifth in the world, behind the United States, India, China and the United Kingdom, respectively. Latin America is followed by Brazil and Mexico with 103 and 86 entities.

In conducting a more detailed badysis, experts from the University of Pennsylvania have designated the American Brookings Institution as the best of its kind in the world.

Then they selected those who considered 177 institutions around the world. In this clbadification, dominated by organizations from the United States and Europe, the Argentina is only in 44th position, hand in hand with the Argentine Council of International Relations (CARI). It is also the Latin American entity that occupies the highest position in this edition of the Index.

Argentina appears again at the end of the table, in position 177, with the Libertad Foundation.

However, when ranked exclusively for the South American continent and the Caribbean, the North American research firm chose the Brazilian Foundation Getulio Vargas as the top of the list.

In this case, Argentina, in addition to CARI, is in the top 10: the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) occupies the ninth position.

The Latin American Foundation for Economic Research (FIEL) appears at the 20th stage, the Center for Studies on the State and Society (CEDES) at 24, the Foundation Thinking of 30 years, the freedom to 36 years old, followed by the Center for Distributive Studies, Labor and Social (CEDLAS) immediately below.

The Center for Transformation Research (CENIT) is located at 55 and the Center for Latin American Openness and Development (CADAL) comes later. Fundación Bases ranks 70th and the Economic Research Foundation out of 74. The Latin American Security and Defense Network (RESDAL) and Libertad y Progreso close the Latin American ranking with positions 87 and 88.

Next, the report distinguishes the best think tanks according to your area of ​​research.

For example, with regard to defense and national security, the first that appears in relation to Argentina is again the CARI, which occupies the 58th position worldwide. As for international politics, it was 38 and in 46 International Economic Policies.

However, in the area of ​​national economic policies, the first local center was the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) in space 23 of the ranking. CIPPEC also ranked first among Argentines in terms of social policies (16th place).

According to the CIPPEC, this entity has also been consecrated as the best managed think tank in Argentina, the best transdisciplinary research in the country and the one that has the best network working with other entities and the best public relations program .

It is also the Argentine think tank that uses the best media strategy (print and digital) and Internet. Moreover, it is the one that developed in 2018 the best conference.

With regard to education, the largest local think-tank among Argentines – numbering 60 in the world – was the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), which also ranked 45th in the world. the field of home health and 35th. with regard to Global Health Affairs.

And in environmental policies, the Foundation for the Environment and Natural Resources (FARN) in space 65 from around the world appeared.

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