Argentina lost 18 places in the world ranking of happiness


The report, prepared by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, examined 156 countries, investigating How happy are your citizens?


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For the second year in a row, Finland is at the top of the UN ranking of happiness.

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For the second year in a row, Finland is at the top of the UN ranking of happiness.


In the clbadification, factors such as economic prosperity, life expectancy, the welfare state and individual freedom are taken into account.

Other Scandinavian countries also ranked at the top of the list: Denmark, Norway and Iceland. The United States is moving from position 18 to position 19.

Argentina, meanwhile, ranks 47th, a sharp decrease if we take into account the fact that in 2018, the country ranked 29th.

At the bottom of the ranking is Venezuela, in position 108, with a vertical collapse of the happiness indices over the last ten years.

Read the full report:


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