Argentina negotiates with five countries to sell them plane Pampa


Three pieces of Pampas artillery were delivered in December to the Air Force. Credit: Courtesy Fadea

CORDOBA. Argentina is negotiating with








and the

United Arab Emirates

for the sale of Pampa aircraft manufactured in this province. However, there is no signed agreement or closed transaction. Sources of

Department of Defense

and the Argentine aircraft factory (Fadea) have confirmed
THE NATION that the conversations have different degrees of advancement but "for the moment, there is no confirmation."

The formats of the negotiations are not all the same. even one of the points badyzed is if Fadea
will manufacture Pampas aircraft alone or in company. Last December, the company delivered
three IA63 to the air force, those who were destined to the North Shield for the fight against drug trafficking.

Fadea's management is working to secure out-of-state contracts, such as those with
readjustment of the aircraft cabins of the Argentine division of Latam and
Flybondi wheel maintenance. He also closed the sale of
Plane for the Israeli IAI. In parallel,
will produce wind turbines.

To make the pampa and sell it for months, there are negotiations with the South African Paramount group, with the government of


and with


. The Minister

Oscar Aguad

He told this newspaper, in December, that "there is an interest from several bordering countries and northern Latin America" ​​in the Pampas, "but they want to see them fly, we do not can not sell what we do not use ".

In conversations for manufacturers' badociations, the options also differ; For example, South Africa is interested in the reversion of the aircraft, which makes it multifunctional and cheaply. Mexicans produce auto parts and want to become suppliers of the alliance.

"By 2023, we want 50% of Fadea's production to be exported," he said.

Mauricio Macri

in December, when handing over the pampas to the air force, revealing the ongoing negotiations.


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