Argentina repudiates Jair Bolsonaro


On June 6, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, will make an official visit to Argentina. He receives it Mauricio Macri, one of the few politicians in the world to take a picture with him. Social movements, trade unions, NGOs, artists and politicians they will perform a great act of repudiation of their visit. It should be recalled that this year, Jair Bolsonaro has been involved in several scandals because of his violent and discriminatory statements. He had to cancel his trip to New York because the mayor of that city had prevented the holding of a tribute dinner in his honor. He was also repudiated in Chile by social movements and even the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and Senators refused to dine with him. The main newspapers of the world, without exception, they consider it a threat to the democracy of the region. They protested against journalists from The Diplomatic World, New Yorker, New York Times, El País, El Mercurio, Time Magazine, Fox News. Marine Le Pen, World icon on the right, says that he finds an unpleasant character.

Jair Bolsonaro he is a strong advocate of dictatorships and institutional violence. Many times He said that dictatorships in Latin America should have killed more people. He also declared himself in favor of torture and the dismissal of Dilma Roussef, paid tribute to one of the worst executioners of the Brazilian dictatorship, Carlos Brilhante Ustra, accused of putting rats in the bad of women that he tortured. Bolsonaro is also known for his homophobic sayings and all kinds of discrimination. He has already stated that he would prefer that a deceased son be homobadual. That Indians do not even serve to procreate, that minorities must bow to the will of majorities. Among other bad sayings.

Bolsonaro has a vision of political economy very similar to that of Macri, which he declares himself admirer. In a short time, he was president already started a plan of adjustment and privatization. He has already faced two general strikes because of cuts in education and a general strike is scheduled for next month. The Brazilian president has already stated that he did not care about the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. It's also, with Macri, one of those responsible for the political persecution of the Venezuelan government in all international organizations. Bolsonaro also said that Cristina Kirchner is a threat and that he would like to collaborate with Macri in the election campaign.

A member of the Pbadarinho Collective said that the rejection event was already online on Facebook. It will take place on June 6th in Plaza de Mayo and the following groups are added:

Xango Group, Alba Movements, Feminist People's Assembly, ATE Capital, Attac Argentina, Migrant Cinema, Coletivo Pbadarinho, 8th November Commission, CTA, Autonomous CTA, El Hormiguero, Emerging, EsMiUBA – University of Buenos Aires Migrant Students, Fetraes – Federation of Social Economy Workers, Front Dario Santillan, Gender Project South Front, Milagro Salas Frente, FUBA, La Poderosa, Marea Ciudadana, Migrant Migrants, Migration for Migrants, Movimiento Evita, Multisectoral Anti-Extractivist, No One Minus, New Majority – Patria Grande, Patria Grande, Argentine Red Chapter, Migrants and Refugees Network, Resist with Endurance – CABA, Summary for Latin America, Let's Be Free, Queer Screenprinters, Usinal Cultural South.

The groups continue to add up. The participation of several personalities of the national policy is expected.


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