Argentina stagnates in the anti-corruption ranking


Argentina ranked last year ranked 85th in the anti-corruption ranking established by Transparency International (TI), based on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI).

According to the study, which was conducted from surveys of entrepreneurs and "specialists" in the field, Argentina scored 40 out of 100 last year. The ranking, which includes 180 evaluated countries, is led by Denmark. 88 points, perceived as the least corrupt country, and closes Somalia, with 6 units, as the most corrupt country.

The situation in Argentina is the same as in 2017, when it scored 39 points out of 100. This implies a stagnation, since in 2016, with the end of the government of Cristina Kirchner, it had gone from position 107 to position 95. in 2017, from 95 ° to 85 °.

In the region, the index is led by Canada, which ranks 9th, followed by the United States at 22nd and Uruguay at 23rd. Finally, Venezuela is 168 °. TI warned that more than two-thirds of the 180 countries badessed scored less than 50 points and that the perception of corruption coincided with the deterioration in the quality of democratic institutions.

85 °

This is the position occupied by Argentina out of a total of 180 countries evaluated. The country earned 40 points out of a total of 100 of the CPI.

No progress

The position in the standings marks a dead end, given that it is the same position that the country had reached in 2017, after two consecutive years of evolution.


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