Argentina takes a decisive step to approve the first transgenic wheat in the world – 13/02/2019


An agreement that seemed very difficult to reach has just been finalized for Argentina to approve and can plant the first transgenic wheat in the world. It's a seed that contains the HB4 gene resistant to drought and saline soils discovered by Raquel Chan, from the University of Littoral and researcher at Conicet. The patent for this gene belongs to the bioceres company, at the forefront of biotechnology, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has its heart in Rosario and It belongs to about 300 big producers.

Argentina knows what drought means after experiencing the worst of several decades last year. precisely the grain harvest. This gene is revolutionizing grain production in many countries.

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The gene has existed for several years, but the secretary of the agri-food sector, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, refused to approve, logically fearing losing markets with wheat, because of the rejection of transgenic products in many countries. The position of Etchevehere was shared by the exporters and the millers.

In the government, Minister Dante Sica and Secretary of Science and Technology, Lino Barañao, have been strong supporters of the gene. President Macri intervened and urged them to find a common position. This afternoon, a meeting was held at the premises of the Grain Exporters Center between the private offices and a decision was made. roadmap so that wheat is acceptable in the markets. Gustavo Idígoras, host and president of the Cereal Exporters Center, Federico Trucco, CEO of Bioceres, Diego Cifarelli on behalf of the milling industry, María Marta Rebizo, Director of Economic Affairs, Export Center and Claudio Dunan, Director of the Bioceres strategy.

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The road map contemplates launch a table of countries offering cereals, including the United States, Canada, Australia and Russia so that Argentina offers this technology and visions are discussed to achieve common goals that do not distort world trade.

They established a dialogue table with producer entities, stocks, factories, exporters and agri-food companies derived from wheat explain the benefits and risks of the technology and the badumptions underlying the release and use.

There will also be a special policy to the Brazilian market, the main buyer of Argentine wheat which is shipped nearly 6 million tons this year. The idea is the common adoption of wheat technologies and regulatory frameworks to avoid "asynchronous and very costly business risks".


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