Argentina takes last place in pandemic resilience ranking


Bloomberg ranking map of countries based on pandemic management and vaccination rate to get back to normal
The Bloomberg ranking map of countries according to pandemic management and vaccination rate to return to normality

Argentina appears last in a ranking of 53 countries after normalization after pandemic measures. The ranking was prepared by the Bloomberg company based on the analysis of data on different countries in relation to measures being taken on progress towards reopening after lockdowns and vaccination plans, among other criteria.

At the top of the Bloomberg rankings is the United States. “Almost a year and a half after the pandemic, the best and the worst places in the age of Covid-19 are increasingly defined by one thing: normalization”, noted the report on the ranking of resilience. It was developed taking into account the ability of each country to conduct vaccination plans that allow a return to normal, without the need to use masks or chin straps, there are mobility restrictions in cities or between different jurisdictions, and across borders. In addition, vaccination was seen as a key tool in controlling the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

In the case of the United States, it has been ranked number one for rapid and wide distribution of vaccines since last January. There, messenger RNA vaccine applications predominate. Restaurants are full, masks are no longer required of vaccinated people and Americans are going on vacation. The vaccination rate covers half of the population. According to Bloomberg, the United States is bracing for economic growth this year.

Comparisons between countries according to the Bloomberg resilience ranking
Comparisons between countries according to the Bloomberg resilience ranking

In contrast, the most backward countries are Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Like “the infections which continue to increase, the restrictions which still apply and the faltering distribution of immunization, Argentina occupies the last place of the 53 economies, and the Philippines, Malaysia and India complete the last four positions ”, estimated those who made the classification.

Today marks 6 months since the start of the COVID-19 vaccination plan in Argentina. The plan began on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 after receiving a supply of 300,000 doses for healthcare workers. The aim was to reduce the cases of complications of infection and death. Until yesterday, only 50% of Argentina’s adult population had received at least their first dose.

As of June 28, 20 million vaccinations had been performed in Argentina. According to data from the Public Vaccination Monitor, a total of 20,156,628 vaccines have been applied: there are 16,173,340 people who have received one dose and 3,983,288 who already have their full schedule with two. In addition, according to data from the online registry which shows in real time the vaccination operation throughout Argentina, 24,285,391 doses have already been distributed in the country’s 24 jurisdictions.

To capture which of the 53 economies reopens the best, the Bloomberg rankings focused on their progress on immunization, the severity of the shutdown, in addition to the two new metrics that track displacement. Flight capacity calculates the number of aircraft seats in the last four weeks compared to the same period in 2019, while vaccinated travel routes – derived from a database maintained by the travel data provider Sherpa – reflect their freedom of movement for vaccinated people around the world.


The U.S.’s No. 1 overall ranking reflects an optimal scenario of high vaccinations, a declining epidemic, near full recovery flight capacity, and few travel restrictions for those vaccinated.

Due to the emergence of worrisome variants, cases of infections and the number of deaths, and delays in vaccination, Argentina is in last place in the Bloomberg resilience ranking
Due to the appearance of worrying variants, cases of contagions and the number of deaths, and delays in vaccination, Argentina is in last place in the Bloomberg resilience ranking

In Israel, which ranks fourth, where enough vaccines have been administered to cover nearly 60% of the population, theatrical and sports performances were once again staged, and deaths from Covid-19 fell to a few. ones per week, against a peak. more than 400. But an increase in infections linked to the highly contagious delta variant has delayed the reopening of its borders to foreign tourists.

At ninth in the UK, bars are busy and people can go on holiday abroad to some ‘green list’ destinations, although easing has also been postponed by the delta variant.


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