Argentina to participate in study on the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines – Telam


The study, called multicenter regional assessment, is promoted by the Pan American Health Organization.

The study, called multicentre regional assessment, is promoted by the Pan American Health Organization.

Argentina, through the National Ministry of Health and the National University of Hurlingham, in collaboration with Brazil, Chile and Colombia “will study the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing hospitalizations and deaths due to SARS-COV-2 virus with the support and accompaniment of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), it has been reported.

“As part of the national strategy for developing studies to provide more clean scientific evidence for decision-making in the management of the pandemic, Argentina adds its experience in research by participating, with Brazil, Chile and Colombia, in the study of the effectiveness of vaccination against COVID-19 ”, they explained from the Ministry of Health in a press release.

From the study, called Multicenter regional assessment, do Ipromoted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) and for Argentina, the National Ministry of Health, the National Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health Dr Carlos G. Malbrn, the Posadas National Hospital and the National University of Hurlingham (Unahur) will participate.

“The goal of the Ministry of Health is to add more information, local evidence that has an impact on decision making, not only for our country but also for the region”, Minister Carla Vizzotti said at the kick-off meeting, where representatives of different stakeholders were present.

The Minister added that “it is a priority to work in this direction, that is why we are also doing an interchangeability study, we have sent to publish the general efficacy study of the vaccines AstraZeneca, Sinopharm and Sputnik V , and that of excess mortality. “

Vizzotti thanked PAHO for its support and assistance in carrying out the investigations and praised the PAHO / WHO Representative in Argentina, Eva Jan Llopis.

Then he recalled the relevant role that “the country has played in generating evidence that has helped other states to make decisions, such as the impact of a single dose of hepatitis A vaccine that has been presented in 2012 to the Pan-American Organization of the Salud “.

For his part, Llopis took an interest in the vaccine interchangeability studies carried out by Argentina and defined them as “essential, not only for the region but for the world”.

The PAHO / WHO representative underlined the country’s role in the studies at the regional level and made herself available to disseminate them and work together.

For its part, the secretary of university policies of the Ministry of Education, Jaime Perczyk, I expressed that “the function of the Argentine university system is the production of knowledge to transform reality and improve the living conditions of our people. “

Perczyk indicated that in the northwest of the suburbs of Buenos Aires there is an alliance, a solid work between the university system and the Posadas Hospital which has led teachers and students “to play a leading role in worst moment of the pandemic “.

He also added that “The Nation’s Ministry of Health puts universities in a relevant place and we are there to support.

What does the study consist of?

The general objective of the study to be treated is to estimate the effectiveness of vaccines against Covid-19 in preventing hospitalizations and deaths in people over 18 years of age in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia. .

Then, at the invitation of PAHO, Each country will present a specific specific research proposal.

It has also been reported that the Argentinian team is in the process of designing three sub-studies.

The first comes from cases and controls to estimate the effectiveness of vaccination against Covid-19 to prevent hospitalization and mortality in people over 18 years of age worldwide, depending on the variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the type of vaccine and the Comorbidities selected from data and samples from Posadas Hospital.

With the second The effectiveness of vaccination in preventing mortality by type of vaccine, age group and time of application will be studied.

And the third is a cohort study designed to measure the risk of suffering from the coronavirus and the effectiveness of vaccines in groups such as people on dialysis, people with disabilities, living with HIV, with tuberculosis, and teaching and non-teaching workers.

This latest design also includes evaluating the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines in preventing infection and death in pregnant women and people in certain risk groups.


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