Argentina To Receive More Covid Vaccines From US | Exclusive: Joe Biden Prepares New Global Donation Announcement That Includes Country


Government sources for Joe Biden said the announcement of a new vaccine donation to countries around the world is in the works Yes this will include Argentina. No one knows exactly how many or which vaccines, although speculation is that it will be a mix of different labs. In principle, to Argentina More Moderna vaccines and Pfizer doses may arrive. In both cases, they can be used as a second dose of Sputnik V since the combination of these vaccines with the Russian vaccine has already been evaluated in several countries.

Donation policy is gaining ground in Washington for several reasons:

  • The main one is that epidemiologists in the United States argue that the pandemic will not end or the economy will normalize if vaccination does not have global reach. This is verified with the Delta variant which fundamentally affects the unvaccinated. However, the greatest danger is that in any country – with a low percentage of vaccination – one variant appears resistant to vaccines. As with Delta, sooner or later these variants reach the United States and may produce a new international humanitarian and economic catastrophe. American businesses – and indeed those around the world – need to get things back to normal.
  • *There are of course geopolitical reasons for donations. China and Russia have made remarkable strides in supplying vaccines to dozens and dozens of countries. They also build relationships that go beyond lab contracts. Under Donald Trump’s administration, the United States has lacked leadership in the pandemic and is now trying to recover it using, among other strategies, the donation of vaccines. Laughing at the State Department they ironically: “We are going to give you these doses, but we are not asking you to vote against Venezuela.”
  • * There is a third important question. In the United States, vaccination has started to decline because there is a part of the population that refuses to be vaccinated. This results in a certain abundance and surplus of vaccines, so that – unlike 2020 – laboratories no longer have any obstacles to send them to other countries, but the export is encouraged and, moreover, with the old trick of donating a few million doses in advance.

In the previous donation, things developed relatively quickly. After long dialogues with Argentine Ambassador Jorge Argüello, summoned several times to the State Department, there was finally a discreet announcement in Washington and Buenos Aires: at the same time, Aerolineas Argentinas sent two planes to Memphis and In a very short time, 3,500,000 doses of Moderna arrived in Ezeiza. It is possible that this time the diagram is similar: the announcement is in preparation and could be produced before the middle of the month. Unlike the first donation, which was more laborious, there are currently two laboratories – Pfizer and Moderna – whose vaccines are licensed and guarantees against possible lawsuits against the laboratories have also been agreed in the respective contracts.

Both North American vaccines are applied to adolescents and from this Friday Moderna is also used as a second dose of Sputnik V. In principle, the strategy devised by the Nation’s Department of Health is that the available Moderna vaccines be applied to adolescents with previous illnesses. , pushing away the rest of the 12 to 17-year-old boys. Meanwhile, the remaining doses of Moderna, over 1,700,000, will be used to complete the vaccination of those awaiting Sputnik V. But if a new North American donation presents itself and, in addition, the first shipments of Pfizer arrive in September, application to adolescents without health risks will be discussed. It is public and well-known that children are contagious and also adolescents circulate a lot, contacting their friends, but also parents and grandparents. They are between 12 and 17 years old in total who come back alone – not like the youngest ones – and they generally use public transport.

The availability to complete the Sputnik V vaccination would then be:

  • 1,700,000 doses of Moderna, which would remain from the first donation.
  • The doses that go into this second donation.
  • 3,500,000 doses of Oxford / AstraZeneca arrived in August. The active substance was manufactured in Argentina in the mAbxience laboratory, of the Insud group, and they were finished in Albuquerque, USA.
  • A million doses that would arrive this weekend from Moscow on a flight prepared by Aerolineas Argentinas. But, in addition, yesterday the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) announced that it would normalize shipments.
  • More than one million doses of Sputnik V, second part, completed by the Richmond Laboratory. The quality control of these vaccines would be approved Monday or Tuesday by the Gamaleya Institute. Richmond and the RDIF have already announced that three million finished doses will be available in the country in August.
  • Finally, eight million doses of Sinopharm arrive. The Chinese vaccine is not yet licensed for the combination, but studies will be completed in a few days. In the case of Sinopharm, the antibodies take a long time to be verified and this is why the response to the association was still considered insufficient in the studies carried out by the Nation, the Province of Buenos Aires and CABA, in collaboration with the Ministry’s Covid Unit. Sciences and Techniques and Conicet.

Everything suggests that between donations, vaccines arriving by plane and those to be completed in the country, not only will the gap between those waiting for Sputnik 2 be closed, but the time between the two doses will be reduced. The goal, indicated by the National Vaccination Commission, is for the second dose of Sputnik and Sinopharm to be applied within two months of the first.


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