Argentina will compensate with a fighter plane in Bolivia if it sends more gas in winter


The government signed the renewal of the gas import agreement of Bolivia, which will allow the state to save $ 460 million. The new contract implies that if the neighboring country sends more liquid than necessary, Argentina will "pay" this difference Compensate with a Pampa Fighter 3.

The agreement establishes a different contractual price and quantity system, with increased seasonality of shipments for the period 2019-2020 and Argentina will save $ 460 million in two years, according to an official statement.

Contractual renegotiation will allow the country to receive less gas during low consumption months and avoid the payment of penalties previous government in the current contract.

Argentina and Bolivia have agreed on a new gas purchase contract for the coming years.
Argentina and Bolivia have agreed on a new gas purchase contract for the coming years.

Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, said that "Argentina was fortunate to discover and develop important natural gas resources and reserves, especially during the formation of Vaca Muerta, which has significantly increased local production. " "At the moment, we have surpluses of exportable gas in summer, but we continue to demand imports in winter, "said the official.

Lopetegui explained that "this change of context has led to the need to renegotiate, in principle, a period of two years, the current gas purchase and sale contract between YPFB and IEASA, to find a satisfactory solution for both parties. "The agreement was signed by Bolivian Oil Minister and Minister of Hydrocarbons, Luis Alberto Sánchez, at YPFB's headquarters in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

How will the new agreement be?

The signed contract established a new definition of the months corresponding to the winter, distinguishing the months of "peak" and "rest". The peak months will be June, July and August, meeting the strongest demand in our country, and the months of May and September will be considered in the "rest" category, the Secretariat said. 39; energy.

In the new price and quantity scheme, it has been established that during the summer months (January to April and October to December), YPBF would provide 11 million cubic meters of gas per day. In May and September, the volume will reach 16 million cubic meters per day and during winter peaks in winter, between June and August, it will reach 18 million cubic meters per day.

Lopetegui offered Sanchez a Pampa 3 aircraft manufactured in the country in case of breach of contract. The aircraft will be delivered to Bolivia if the gas supply is exceeded by 45 million cubic meters in the most popular 5 months (May to September). According to official sources, this will not work as a payment but as a "price" and what he will look for is: stimulate greater export from Bolivia to the country.


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