Argentina will export grapes and cherries to Thailand


Argentina can export grapes and cherries to Thailand, from the official publication of the phytosanitary standards necessary for the entry of these fruits in this country, reported the Ministry of Agriculture.

The portfolio led by Luis Miguel Etchevehere confirmed that "the Thai Ministry of Agriculture (DOA) has published in the official gazette the phytosanitary conditions necessary to the import of grapes and cherries of our country, which allows Argentina to export these fruits to the Asian country ".

At the end of 2017, representatives of the Thai Agriculture Department visited Argentina. audit the control system export of cherries and Argentine table grapes.

On this occasion, they met with technical teams of the National Service of Health and Quality in Agribusiness (Senasa). The Thai delegation visited the production areas of these fruits where it verified the implementation of the program for the eradication and control of fruit fly (Procem). verified the certification procedures Phytosanitary of the two productions.

During this visit, the Thai delegation also audited production plants, packing plants and refrigerators in the provinces of Río Negro, Mendoza and San Juan, and also visited the laboratories of the official Bioplant network for the production of sterile insects, sanitary barriers as well as verified urban traps and production areas.

Thailand is an important market in Southeast Asia to which our country has exported $ 488 million in 2018 in agro-industrial products, mainly soya flour (33%), wheat (21%), hides and skins (20%) and fishery products such as shrimp and shrimps (11%).

Between January and July 2019, domestic exports of the agri-food industry reached US $ 349 million (3% more than during the same period in 2018). During the past year, Thailand imported US $ 867 million worth of fruit (fresh and dried), of which 148 million dollars were fresh grapes and $ 16 million worth of cherries, which is a great opportunity for Argentina.


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