Argentina will not send representatives to the Uruguay summit for Venezuela – 06/02/2019


The government will not send any representation to the summit that will have Uruguay and Mexico this Thursday in Montevideo. In this paper, they will discuss mechanisms for dialogue without preconditions with the CARICOM countries (the Caribbean Community). According to the governments of Tabaré Vázquez and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, they seek a negotiated solution to the crisis in Venezuela.

First, diplomatic sources emphasized Clarin, the government of Mauricio Macri has already pronounced in favor of the recognition of Juan Guaidó as "president in charge" of Venezuela. This is how the President of the National Assembly proclaimed on January 23rd.

Since then, Argentina recognizes the measures taken by Guaidó, even to his designated representative in Argentina, Elisa Trotta, who does not, however, occupy any office at the Venezuelan Embbady in Argentina, where the diplomatic delegation responding to the Chavismo is still working.

Message. Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's interim president, at a press conference in Caracas (EFE).

Message. Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's interim president, at a press conference in Caracas (EFE).

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Argentina is also following the position of the Lima group, which Uruguay does not participate and of which Lopez Obrador recently left. AMLO has not ignored Maduro, even though he is part of the 12-nation group, created last year and endowed with extremely critical positions of the Maduro regime. Mexico was then ruled by Enrique Peña Nieto.

From Chancellor Jorge Faurie's office, they said the minister had not been formally invited by his eastern counterpart, Rodolfo Nin Novoa, to attend the summit for Venezuela on Thursday. But Argentina itself is a guest country.

"Even recognizing that the dialogue is still valid and good, we are skeptical about these dialogues because all the previous ones have failed. The Nicolás Maduro government never had good faith in the development of the facts and ended up serving its interests to delay the solution and perpetuate itself in power, "said a source consulted at the Foreign Ministry. , do not participate in other bodies that consider "a way to give Maduro oxygen."

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By the way, the Cambiemos government is also supporting the line of humanitarian aid for Venezuelans who opened Washington and Bogota via the Colombian border with Venezuela. Maduro rejects him. This point located along the Venezuelan border with Brazil is the one that mbad immigration receives en mbade. Similarly, although at the time Argentina sent White Helmets to the Colombian border to help Venezuelans, there is currently no shipment of goods.

The so-called Montevideo mechanism presented by Nin Novoa and his Mexican counterpart, Marcelo Ebrard, provides for four phases and the facilitation of personalities of recognized international trajectory. From Argentina, the presence of the leaders of the Kirchnerist Front for Victory is awaited.

Problems The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, during an act of government held in Turiamo (EFE).

Problems The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, during an act of government held in Turiamo (EFE).

The mechanism has four stages: immediate dialogue, negotiation, written commitments with deadlines and implementation.

The personalities to whom the negotiation facilitation mechanism could appeal "in a security environment" are Rebeca Grynspan, former Vice President of the Republic of Costa Rica and current Ibero-American Secretary General; Enrique Iglesias, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay and IDB and former Mexican Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Bernardo Sepúlveda, as well as "High Representative of Caricom".

However, we know that four of the twelve foreign ministers invited by Uruguay and the European Union will not go to the summit: among them, those of Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.


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