Argentina will start selling lemons and eggs in India – 02-18-2019


After the meeting Mauricio Macri had with Indian Prime Minister Narondra Modi, the official delegation accompanying the president was marked by a first (moderate) celebration. It turns out that between the agreements that the two leaders signed, the sanitary protocol between the two countries was signed, which will allow that Argentina begins to export lemons, eggs and derived products.

The agreement was signed by the agribusiness secretary, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, and his Indian counterpart, Trilochan Mohapatra. "We were very successful, the conditions were right for Argentina to start exporting," they told the official delegation.

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In addition to lemons and eggs, progress has also been made with the protocol for Argentina to export chia, fishmeal and bone meal. Although they preferred not to mention numbers, the Delegation tried to highlight the impact that information could generate.

The agreement implies the opening of another important market for Argentine lemonsAfter last April, the first shipment of lemons to the United States was made,

Indeed, the deal that Macri was able to unlock due to his close relationship with Donald Trump also facilitated things to finalize an agreement with India, with very strict protocols.


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