Argentina's Macri lost 20 places in the United Nations happiness ranking


Under the leadership of Mauricio Macri, the country has moved from position 29 to position 47 in just one year.

March 20, 2019

Seven years ago, the United Nations (UN) released a "ranking of the happiest countries in the world", for the & # 39; International Day of Happiness & # 39 ;, and The Argentina de Mauricio Macri does not stop going down positions in the table.

According to the UN clbadification, the Argentine Republicwith 6086 points, it is ranked # 47 out of the 156 countries evaluated, which also indicates a marked decrease compared to the 2018 report, when he was 29 years old. That is to say that in one year, he lost nearly 20 positions.

The 2019 edition has once again in the first place a Finlandwho was already leading the table in 2018, while South Sudan It is the country where the most unhappy citizens live, according to the report prepared by this organization.

The World happiness report o Report on Happiness in the World 2019 evaluate the situation 156 countries on factors such as life expectancy, education, social support or corruption.


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