Argentina’s slow vaccination, fake Russian news and the Ezeiza levy scandal


The summary of the news of Cada Mañana with the most striking information of the day: the vaccination campaign in Argentina and the fake Russian news.


In Argentina, we had a new death record, there were 561 deaths in one day.

There were 26,053 infections yesterday. We have 5,317 people hospitalized in intensive therapy in the public health system.

As for the provinces, yesterday the province of Buenos Aires exceeded 12,000 cases and the city of Buenos Aires almost affected 3,000.

If we measure it per million inhabitants, India disappears from the top in terms of number of infections. Today, the countries with the highest infection rate are Cyprus, Uruguay, Bahreim, Turkey, Sweden and Argentina.

90% of the positive cases correspond to the Andean strain, then to the British strain and also to the Manaus strain. The Country Project confirms the strains circulating in Argentina.

Regarding vaccination in our country, we are still a bit complicated. The country has passed 10 million vaccines. The weekly average vaccination in Argentina according to the Ministry of Health is 121 thousand people. Our vaccination rate is still very low.

A shipment of vaccines arrived from China and the president traveled to Ezeiza to receive the shipment. China stops shipping vaccines for national reasons.

At the same time, India stops exporting the Indian version of AztraZeneca called Covishield. The downside is what we do with people who have been vaccinated with the first dose of Covishield.

They are exploring options to overcome the hurdle of the vaccine law that was passed by Congress and that Congresswoman Cecilia Moreau put in a word that complicated the deal with Pfizer.

The city of Buenos Aires has announced the start of registration for people over 60.

Today, the last decree that was made for 15 days expires. This decree limited nightlife and established virtual classrooms in the metropolitan area. This led to an still unresolved conflict between Nation, Province and City on the question of classes.

There is no agreement between the president and the City about the courses. They say that the City would accept virtuality in the secondary sector.

Governor Kicillof warned mayors they expected tighter restrictions. The courses will take place virtually in the province of Buenos Aires.

There are many sectors, transport, commerce, electoral justice, teachers and social movements are asking the government for vaccines.

The government is trying to make the biters try not to protest these days ”.

There is a rather important scandal with what Diego Cabot de La Nación told us yesterday, about the Labpax laboratory which manufactures samples in Ezeiza. The person who appears as technical director of the Jorge Chizolini laboratory, claims that his name, registration and signature were used to undertake this traveler screening operation with apparently ineffective tests.


Yesterday the dollar fell 8 pesos. Financial dollars rose 7% for the entire month of April.

Roadblocks and roadblocks continue to complicate the lemon harvest in Tucumán.

Almost everything has been bred at Vaca Muerta but a picket line continues at Villa La Angostura.

The dispute between the Walmart company and its new owners and the Moyano union, the truckers, has been reopened. Pablo Moyano and the new owners of Walmart led by Francisco De Narváez did not come to an agreement.

Entrepreneurs very alarmed by the increase in corporate taxes. They warned that this had an impact on investment and formal employment.

It appears that the government will not introduce the bill to postpone the congressional elections. The opposition assumes that the government wants to suspend the primaries directly.


The world has recorded around 900,000 cases of the coronavirus, but almost half of them have occurred in India.

When it comes to the percentage of infections, Argentina is worse than India. Argentina remains in 11th place in world statistics.

China has lost one spot in world statistics, fell to 96th place and recorded just 13 infections yesterday.

The folks at Pfizer have pretty much confirmed that people vaccinated with Pfizer will need a third dose. This contrasts a lot with the light vaccine, that pretty happy idea of ​​Argentina, China, Russia, that you see with a dose.

The guys at Pfizer and Moderna believe that a third dose should be applied to prolong and ensure that those vaccinated are effectively immunized. The head of BioNTech said he believes it is necessary to start immunizing children.

Moderna has announced investments to produce 3 billion doses in 2022.

Novavax announced that this summer in the United States it was adding its vaccines and could manufacture an additional 2 billion.

Germany arrived yesterday to vaccinate 100,000,000 people in one day.

Here is the debate on the Sputnik vaccine. It is a debate that comes from Brazil. Mr. Antonio Barra Torres, the head of the Brazilian ANMAT said that information on the presence of adenoviruses capable of replicating can be found in the documents presented to Anvisa by the developers of the Sputnik vaccine. For this reason, Brazil has prevented the entry of the Sputnik vaccine into Brazil.

Reports on the complexity of oxygen production began to appear around the world. There is a shortage of oxygen not only in Argentina but in much of the world.

There is an accusation against the Russians that there is a campaign of false information by the Russians against non-Russian vaccines.

Internationally, the most important are the growth forecasts for the North American economy resulting from vaccination in the United States.

At one point in his speech, Biden announced a monumental cancer research funding program.

Rudolph Giuliani’s office and personal apartment were searched.

Johnson unable to explain how he financed his home improvement.

There is a big problem in Colombia. It looks a bit like 2001 from Argentina. There were looting, riots. Many people outraged by the management of the pandemic in Colombia and the increase in taxes.

Very serious problems are occurring in Latin America. Peru faces a very difficult choice. Chile has a difficult outlook in the succession of President Piñera. Colombia has this problem of unrest in the streets. Yesterday the European Parliament called Jeanine Añez a political prisoner.

There is a very complicated situation on the border between Colombia and Venezuela with fighting. The fighting takes place between the Chavist troops, the Colombian guerrillas and the narcos.

Spain is also very complicated. In Spain, there are now elections in May in the community of Madrid, with a climate of political tension worse than Argentina. Politicians receive envelopes with bullets.

In France, there is a group of former soldiers who produced a proclamation denouncing the imminent collapse of the country, regarding migration and the things that the European far right still postulates. Marie Le Pen was added to this statement by the military.

Last night there was a very serious accident during a religious holiday for ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel. A platform collapsed in a place where many people had been placed. There were 45 deaths.

Hisopados en Ezeiza: a millionaire company run by a company with no track record

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