Argentine bishop investigated for sexual assault with Pope


An English newspaper revealed that Gustavo Zanchetta, accused of having abused seminarians in Oran, was taking part in the spiritual exercises with Francisco.

Italy Argentine Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, who is under investigation by the Vatican for badual badault on seminarians and other inappropriate badual behavior, attends the annual spiritual exercises of Pope Francis with other curia officials.

According to a report by Christopher Altieri of the Catholic Herald, Zanchetta confirmed by phone that he was attending the retreat, which began on the evening of March 10 in a retirement home outside Rome.

The bishop, who is on leave during his investigation, hopes that the current bishop of Oran will complete the process of collecting testimonies on the accusations against him, that he will be sent to the Congregation for Bishops and that he will ultimately be judged personally. for Pope Francisco. The annual spiritual exercises of the Pope's Lent will take place from 10 to 15 March at the Casa del Divin Maestro in Ariccia, a town about 30 kilometers from Rome, on the shores of Lake Albano. Traditionally, the pope and the main members of the Roman Curia attend the retreat, especially the department heads.

After his resignation from the bishop of Oran in August 2017, Zanchetta was appointed by Francisco in December 2017 for a position created for him within the headquarters Administration, which oversees the real estate and real estate of the Vatican.


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