Argentine soy flour to enter China after 20 years of negotiations – Telam


The national government agreed with the People's Republic of China to open this market to Argentine soy flour, the country's main export product, after 20 years of negotiations between the two countries, confirmed official sources .

The announcement will be formalized this Wednesday at noon at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, announced Tuesday the agriculture portfolio in a statement.

"History! Soy flour in China," said the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, on his Twitter account, once the news known.

In his message, Etchevehere recalled that it was the product "that Argentina exported the most and that China was the world's largest consumer of vegetable protein for animal feed; more than 500 million heads between pigs and cattle ".

HISTRIC! Soy flour in China ????
This product is one that Argentina exports the most and China is the world's largest consumer of vegetable protein for animal feed. There are more than 500 million heads between pigs and cattle.

Luis Etchevehere (@lmetchevehere) September 10, 2019

The agreement, concluded jointly by the Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Foreign Affairs and Worship, the Embbady of Argentina in China and of the National Service for Health and Food Quality (Senasa) will be formalized this Wednesday at noon in the portfolio of agriculture. by Etchevehere and the Chinese ambbadador to Argentina, Zou Xiaoli.

In 2019, Argentina exported 4.3 million tons of soybean (80% of the total) to China and 163,954 tons of soybean oil (4%).

The agreement is the fruit of cooperative relations between Presidents Mauricio Macri and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, and the four-year policy of openness to the world, Agriculture said in a statement.

In another message, the Minister of Agriculture stressed that the agreement "would benefit the Argentine soy complex, the largest in the world employing about 345,000 people", representing 16% of the workforce. 39 work of the national agri-food sector.

"This opening is due to the leadership of President Mauricio Macri and the trusting relationship with Xi Jinping, Argentina has intelligently reintegrated the world and we have become a reliable reference in food production," he said. declared.

In recent years, Argentina has successfully penetrated the Chinese market with its bovine, ovine and porcine soybean and soymilk oils, as well as cherries, citrus fruits, fresh blueberries and dried peas, tangerines, split and bulk honey. .

"In this direction, we are opening the Chinese beef, mutton and pork, soybean, cherry, fresh blueberry and dried pea, tangerine, split and bulk honey market, as well as fresh fruit and vegetable products. embryos of semen and cattle, "said Etchevehere.

Argentina is the world's largest exporter of flour and soybean oil and the third largest producer of soybeans.

This is a new key for the agricultural sector. Our country is the largest exporter of soybean meal and one of the largest markets in the world is opening now. It means more work, more work in the agri-food sector and more opportunities for Argentines.

Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) September 10, 2019

For this year, it is estimated that the country will export a total of 26 million tons of soybean meal, 6.5 million tons of soybean oil and 8.5 million tons of soybeans.

This year, nearly 25 million tons of soybeans have been processed, accounting for 80% of the total use of oilseeds.

"This is a great opportunity for Argentina, and we continue to lay the foundations for the country's development, and we intend to continue on this path, producing food for 800 million people and creating one million jobs in 2030. "concluded Etchevehere.


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