Argentine students, among the worst in the world in mathematics and natural sciences


For a long time, badessments of the quality of education indicate that students in our country have a low level of knowledge. But the picture is even more critical when one is interested in the international scenario, says Alieto Guadagni, director of the Center for the Study of Argentine Education (CEA) at the University of Belgrano.

Indeed, the students of the City of Buenos Aires obtained an average score lower than the range established for the low level of knowledge in the latest tests TIMSS Mathematics 2015. With 396 points, they do not even not reached the minimum score of 400 points, according to the latest CEA report.

In the natural sciences, high school students were also placed below the low knowledge range, with only 386 points, surpbading only Egypt (371) and Kuwait (358). In our region, even Chilean students obtained higher marks, with 427 in mathematics

Almost no Argentine high school student could be placed in the Advanced level, since the percentage was less than 1%. Only 3% of our evaluated reached the high level, and only 21% were able to perform activities related to the intermediate level. According to Guadagni, 48% of our students could only answer questions related to the low level of knowledge

. These results are a warning and can not be ignored. It is time to take education seriously. There are many actions to be done to achieve this goal. But we must start with the most basic: we can not miss a day of clbad, finishes the director of the CEA.

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