Argentine unions want Francisco to make Evita a saint | Blog only in Argentina


Dozens of tourists and faithful daily pilgrimages to the tomb of Eva Perón, To avoid, in the Recoleta cemetery, in Buenos Aires. Most of them take a picture of him, but there are also those who kiss his name, pray silently before him and write him petitions in papers that they leave between the black bars of the vault of the Duarte family. They are among those who consider Evita as a popular saint for her selfless dedication to the poor and who believe she is capable of performing miracles. Shortly after his death in 1952, the union canillitas (kiosqueros) asked the Vatican to open the process of canonization, a request that was rejected. On the centenary of its birth, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the largest labor center in Argentina, announced that it would try again.

"The process of beatification will be requested," said Hector CGT leader Héctor Daer on Tuesday. "There are many people, important people, Eva's contemporaries who asked for things and who felt that these things came from there," said the unionist during a dialogue with the radio . The Web. Daer pointed out that the figure of the second wife of former president Juan Domingo Perón "symbolizes a more than important sector of Argentine society and that is why it is saved in this way". Evita's body remained three years at the CGT until its flight in 1955, after the coup that overthrew Perón, and remained missing for 14 years.

To declare a blessed person a prior stage of sanctification, one must prove that the faithful ask God's favor for it and the realization of a miracle. Eva Perón having died in Buenos Aires, the request must be made to the archbishopric of the Argentine capital, now led by Cardinal Mario Poli. If he agrees, he will start studying his candidacy in Argentina, which includes badyzing his writings, speeches and testimonials. The case will be transmitted to the Holy See only if the previous evaluation is satisfactory. Once there, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints is responsible for a second badysis of his life and work.

Daer pointed out that there is a youth commission that collaborates in the collection of information to be presented to the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. However, on the part of the Catholic Church, they believe that this new attempt at beatification will not succeed either. According to church sources quoted by Clarín, Eva Perón's work in favor of the poorest is not a sufficient reason, as it should have been accompanied by a religious practice and a doctrinal orthodoxy.


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