Argentine writers against censorship in Brazil | …


The Union of Writers and Writers of Argentina expressed his repudiation to the homophobic crusade sparked by Rio de Janeiro mayor-evangelist Marcelo Crivella, who decided that the comic Avengers: The Crusade of children (Avengers: Crusade of children) It could not be sold at the Rio de Janeiro Book Biennale, Brazil's biggest literary event. The entity that groups Argentine authors rejected "such a retrograde step" in a petition signed by Claudia Piñeiro, Ángela Pradelli, Horacio Convertini, Maria Sonia Cristoff, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Cecilia Szperling, Enzo Maqueira, Gonzalo Unamuno, Alejandra Laurencich, Belén López Peiró, Gloria Peirano, Alejand Bursa, made by Attorney General Krimer, Gabriela Franco and Eduardo mileo, among others.

"As members of the literary and cultural community of Argentina, we renounce the censorship and confiscation of LGBTTQI + works by Mayor Marcelo Crivella, representative of the government of Jair Bolsonaro, at the Rio Book Biennale de Janeiro – the authors propose who signed the requested. The more than symbolic ban of a gay kiss on the cover of a comic strip represents a clear crackdown on the right-wing homophobic policy of the Brazilian president and his alliance with the universal Church represented by the manager of Carioca. "Crivella, evangelical bishop and gospel singer, who previously described homobaduality as" perverse behavior "in a book that he published in 1999 on his missionary experience in several African countries, explained that" such books (from the Marvel comics) must be packed in a sealed black plastic bag with a warning on the outside. "In his Twitter account, he added," This is not censorship or homophobia, as many people think. The theme of the comics of the Biennale has a clear objective: to comply with the provisions of the Statute of children and adolescents. We simply want to preserve our children, fight for the defense of Brazilian families and comply with the law. "

The censored book, written by Allan Heinberg and illustrated by Jim Cheung, is part of a series of comics created in 2005 from young characters derived from Marvel's superheroes, The Avengers. The work that explores various topics such as homobaduality has won numerous awards in the world and features two homobaduals: Wiccan and Hulkling. Crivella's statements generated a wave of repudiation. Supreme Court Minister Celso de Mello described the censorship attempt as "a very serious event". "Under the sign of retirement (…) a new dark time is announced," he said in a statement sent to the President Folha de São Pablo. "This has never happened at this Biennale, it is a horrible attempt at censorship," said Flavio Moura, publisher Todavia. "We reject any act of censorship," said Luiz Schwarcz, of Compahia de las Letras, one of the largest publishers in Brazil, and criticized attempts to "place Brazilian society at the time medieval ". After the inspectors' crusade at the Biennale, some exhibited all the LGBT-content works they had to sell as a protest.

Brazilian Youtuber Felipe Neto bought 14,000 LGBT-themed publications and distributed them free of charge last Saturday at the Biennale, with an adhesive saying "This book is inappropriate for backward, backward and prejudiced people." Net has posted a video on his channel, in which he explains why he gave thousands of books: "I hope that even if they do not sympathize with the cause of homobaduals, they understand the deep level of censorship and repression that this decision represents. This is a message for Crivella: I made it so that I understand that you do not know how to repress the population in full 2019 ".


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