Argentines falsified affidavit to return to country and revealed error in control system


For a group of Argentines it was enough a photograph of a wine list and a cell phone bill to return to the country from abroad. These images, among others, have been attached, in place of the negative PCR certificate, in the affidavit required by the government to mitigate coronavirus infections and the circulation of new strains. The complaint, filed by Migrations in January, is known after the scandal of the PRC truchos of graduates who went to Cancun, in Mexico.

This Friday, the federal prosecutor Ramiro gonzalez will receive the representative of the Directorate who directs Florence Carignano. The official is expected to ratify the complaint that entered Comodo Py on Thursday for the false negatives that were detected after the flight arrived with the infected students.

Justice is investigating to find out if, behind the falsification of the certificate, there is a criminal network in this country. They seek to determine, both, whether the company in charge of the student travel and the students themselves were aware of the fraudulent maneuver, that is to say if there was fraud.

“If the students were not washed, it is likely that the agency and they were informed,” said sources with access to the file. Upon arrival in Argentina, some with symptoms were tested. 44 of them tested positive and there could be many more. In addition, the government it does not exclude the possibility that other cases were not detected.

The cause is still taking its first steps: in writing, as it has learned, only mentions that the person who contacted Migrations, by e-mail, contacted a journalist from the Aztec country who confirmed that The laboratory that conducted the studies that gave false results does not exist.

Second, González – who replaces the deceased Jorge Di Lello at the Federal Prosecutor’s Office No. 1, you will want to inquire on the initial complaint that opened the case at the end of January, when the same management detected at least ten false affidavits in the system of compulsory registration to enter the country. An episode that has nothing to do with the graduates. The federal judge intervenes in the case Sebastián Casanello.

In this case, if the crime is proven, it would be a smaller-scale criminal offense, also intended to bypass controls due to the pandemic. The investigation having made it possible to reconstitute a dozen people – including minors – and members of two families, They falsified the digital DDJJ form for migration.

The form is mandatory and must be completed and sent 48 hours before travel. And the procedure, rather crude, revealed a flaw in the official control system: the platform offers a series of fields to be completed with user data, each step allows you to move on to the next. In one of them, you are asked to attach an image of the negative PCR certificate.

In this space, people denounced – who managed to leave the country with the maneuver– All kinds of photographs have been uploaded instead of the requested receipt. Between them, a wine list and a cell phone bill, the sources said. In this way, for “the stale”, they could be charged with falsifying a public document.

Considering this panorama, from Migrations, they indicated: “Every fact that we notice, we denounce it.

The president discouraged travel abroad

This Thursday, President Alberto Fernández surprised with a national network of Casa Rosada that had not been announced. The secret was motivated to avoid the leakage of the message to the press. This was after calling an emergency meeting with the governors of the 24 districts in the wake of the increase in coronavirus cases in the country.

In his speech, the head of state acknowledged the delays in vaccination and not recommended to travel abroad, after the Cancun graduate travel scandal and the high number of infections and victims in Brazil.

“Is everything going as planned?” No. Because there is a global delay in the production of vaccines, ”said the president. As reported, Argentina has signed contracts to purchase more than 65 million doses, but they are taking longer than expected.

“So far, 4 million doses have arrived in the country, 6% of the doses we have contracted,” admitted Fernández, who ratified the government’s commitment to vaccinate the entire population, to strengthen the health system and ensure economic recovery.

“As the state moves forward in these goals, I must ask the whole of society for a huge commitment to take care of us. The pandemic has not ended. We must take extreme precautions so that COVID-19 does not isolate us again ”, declared the head of state.


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