Argentines must pay to enter Europe from 2021


The online procedure, if approved, will allow travelers from these countries stay and transit through the 26 countries that make up the European Union for a period of 90 daysand This should only be done once indicating the country of entry.

In addition, travelers will need to complete certain information, such as who will be traveling, if they have a family member in Europe, personal data, education, employment, and a security questionnaire. The answers included in the application they will intersect with the databases of the European Union and Interpol, and it will be defined if there are reasons to refuse entry.

The measure that incorporates the application for a prior travel permit in Europe had already been announced a little over a year ago, but it has now been confirmed that the Argentineans are reached and must manage the authorization in line.

On the official website, it is stated that, if the information with which the application form has been completed is accurate and also meets the requirements and does not present any danger to obtain a travel authorization Etias, they will be approved. the demand


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