Armenia announces the “end of the war” with Azerbaijan …


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Monday announced “the end of the war” he is playing with Azerbaijan since September for the disputed separatist region of Nagorno Karabaj. He did so through a post on his Facebook account, where he described the decision as “difficult” but taken “on the basis of a thorough analysis of the military situation” and “in the belief that it is the best solution for the situation. created “.

With the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, I signed a declaration to end the Karabakh war. The text of the declaration which has already been released is indescribably painful for me and for the Armenian people, ”the Prime Minister wrote.

In another passage from the post, Pashinián stressed that the decision “does not imply a victory”, but assured that “there is no defeat until you know each other”. “We will never know each other and this should be the start of an era of national unity, an era of rebirth. We must analyze our years of independence and plan for the future so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, ”he added.

And he concluded: “We fought to the end. And we will win. Artsakh is still standing. Long live Armenia, long live Artsakh ”.

The document ends about six weeks of fighting, which began on September 27. Initial estimates indicate that the death toll is nearly 1,300, but we fear that the balance will be much higher.

Hours before the announcement, Azerbaijan announced that it had taken control of the strategic city of Shusha in the contested enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. He also admitted to having “by accident” downed a Russian helicopter which was flying over Armenia, causing the death of two members of the crew, in the middle of the conflict between these nations of the Caucasus on the separatist region.

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry has apologized to Russia and said it is ready to pay compensation for human damage. We must not forget that Russia has a military base in Armenia. And if its bilateral defense agreement does not include the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the geopolitics of the conflict, its support for Armenia is clear.

Nagorno-Karabakh, populated mainly by Christian Armenians, seceded from Azerbaijan, a Turkish-speaking Shia Muslim country, shortly before the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, resulting in a war that left 30,000 dead .

The fighting that began on September 27 was the worst since 1994.


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