Arms trafficking to Bolivia: Marcos Peña is denounced


Juan Martín Mena: “They left all their fingers stuck to contraband in BOLIVIA”

Se trata de una resolución del 2019 de la Jefatura de Gabinete que dirigía Marcos Peña, a la que accedió el periodista, que da cuenta de la autorización de la financiación del viaje de los gendarmes hacia Bolivia, para el envió de armamento a la ciudad de the peace.

Among other revelations, decision says US grenades were sent in boxes labeled “gloves”.

In this regard, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Juan Martin Mena, confirmed in the program Conflict of interest that the Government prepare the extension of the complaint. “More and more scandalous documents are coming out of the offices of the national executive power regarding what was the illegal smuggling carried out by the Macri government.“he explained.

“This week we are expanding the complaint for the second time, largely to the information you passed on. That the same day the plane took off with the material to be smuggled, a summit takes place at the Government House, with the heads of the Prefecture, the Gendarmerie and the Police with the rest of the Cabinet of Mauricio Macri; the chief of staff, the team of the Ministry of Security and Chancellery, ”explained the official.

In this context, Mena indicated that “the most scandalous of the documentation that we have found is that later appears a note signed by Jorge Faurie, which is the typical note at the beginning of the file: it evokes the sending of a gendarmerie squad to take care of the embassy. “

“At this meeting, they were doing a stock check to see what ammunition there was to send to Bolivia”, considered the Deputy Minister of Justice.

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