Arrest of eight people involved in attacks in Sri Lanka


Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe today announced the arrest of eight people involved in the Easter Sunday serial attack that left more than 200 dead and 450 wounded. These are the most serious attacks of the decade.

Wickremesinghe said at a press conference in Colombo that security forces had arrested eight people involved in the bombing and confiscated a van used by the attackers, without providing further details about the bombers. detainees.

Soldiers keep the area of ​​attacks. (AP)

In addition, the Prime Minister revealed that the security forces had received warnings of possible attacks in the country, "but that the problem has not been the subject of attention sufficient, "said the agency EFE.

During the morning of today, a series of attacks against churches, hotels and a tourist complex shook the country with a Buddhist majority.

During the eight attacks, including six in the capital, 207 people died, including an undetermined number of foreigners, and 450 others were injured. Without this, no organization has been the victim of the mbadacre.


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