As a result of the power outage, they investigate a possible failure at Yacyretá


The State Secretary for Energy has informed, through an official party, that "the power cut that occurred today at 7:07 am would have been due to a failure of the transport system of Yacyretá ".

The mbadive power outage that this morning has worried millions of homes throughout the national territory and even in neighboring countries, would have been caused by a failure of the Yacyretá power plant, as reported the Energy Secretariat of the Nation.

The State Secretary for Energy has informed, through an official party, that "the power cut that occurred today at 7:07 am would have been due to a failure of the transport system of Yacyretá ".

"This produced the cut automatically (without human intervention) .The percentage of loss was high given the schedule in which it occurred, namely a low demand.The other generators could not compensate for the losses. ", did he declare.

In the midst of user uncertainty, the government sector said this afternoon that "the activation process started from the strengths of the system, the hydroelectric power stations of Yacyretá, Chocón and Salto Grande" . Transener has opened the system and is revitalizing its operation. to be able to regulate the service ".

In this context, highly qualified sources have informally transcended the fact that "it is the first time that PT # 7 is applied", it is "the resumption of the total collapse of SADI ".

It should be noted that today the Energy Secretariat had reported that "there was a total collapse of SADI for reasons that are the subject of a investigation, as soon as all electrical system agents have been notified and the ISAD recovery procedure has been initiated ".

The sources explained on this point that what would have happened is that "the storms of the coast were separated from the lines of the yacyreta system". As they explained, considering the unusual magnitude of this power outage, "this removes the synchronism of the country's centrally-protected power plants when the frequency of 50 Hz is changed." .

In addition, they noted that "being connected to Uruguay was also a condition that also depended on the big leap".

"This PT has planned that, total blackout, it would take them at least about 3 hours," they added.

So much so that before noon, some provinces, including Buenos Aires, had a partial power supply again and thousands of homes had found the light, but not in all cases.

The Energy Secretariat explained this morning that "in the process of standardization, generators are started in different regions of the country and from there, the network begins to gradually normalize and meet the demand" .

In a timely manner, early in the day, it was announced that the Salto Grande hydroelectric facility (coastal region) was gradually re-establishing the high voltage transmission system and powering stations in the province. From Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe. Part of Uruguay's demand is fed by the same power plant, which collapsed with the Argentinean system. The country's Cuyo and Centro regions are in the process of being standardized with the Los Reyunos and Los Nihuiles hydropower plants and other fast-start thermal power stations in the region.

"In the Comahue region, the standardization process is delayed due to inconvenience related to the start-up of plants for standardization. At 22:45, a demand of about 2,000 MW was standardized, out of a total expected demand of 15,000 MW ".


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