“As always, he has ‘other data'”: Fernández de Cevallos against AMLO for rejecting CONEVAL poverty figures



Mexican politician, Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, he attacks the president again, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, after disqualifying the study by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policies (Coneval), who reported a 3.8 million people increase national poverty.

“Tartufo attacked CONEVAL for reporting on the millions of Mexicans who fell into poverty during this administration. As always, this scoundrel claims to have “other data”. He was surely referring to his updated song: “First (all) the poor” “, wrote on his Twitter account the also called Chief Diego.

Last Saturday, from his conference in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Andres Manuel rejected the Council report “Report on Multidimensional Poverty Estimates 2018-2020”; stressed that he had “other data” and ensured that its social programs yes they helped to the respective beneficiaries.

In addition to this, Tabasco urged the institution to change its poverty measurement strategies because, he said, “Fortunately” the country is already recovering of the situation “product of the health and economic crisis”.

“Last year the economy fell 8.5%. Do you know since when this has not happened? Since 1930 of the last century … almost 100 years that a crisis like this has not been seen or suffered, then it hit the public sector very hard and other factors: trade, catering, industry, the only sector that resisted was agriculture, the primary sector which even grew by 2% but everything else collapsed “, He said.

(Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez / File)
(Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez / File)

After criticism from the former presidential candidate of the National Action Party (STOVE), some of his supporters supported his point and, in the same way, attacked the chief executive and his repeated argument of “other data”.

“We all know that when the stupid one says ‘other data’ he is referring to his lies,” wrote one.

“When the statistics do not favor his bad government, he always has other data, which is something that should not surprise us”assured another.

There were even internet users and reviews that pointed to the same president as causing it of the worsening of poverty, one of them was the senator of the PAN bench, Lilly Winter, who, via his Twitter, criticized and held responsible to the executive of this increase. He also accused that AMLO’s economic policy is a “Check against poverty” be corrected.

According to the report, in 2020, Mexico added 3.8 million new poor in 2020, bringing the figure to 55.7 million from 51.9 million in 2018.

(Photo: EFE / Alex Cruz / File)
(Photo: EFE / Alex Cruz / File)

Likewise, there has been an increase in the number and percentages of people living in extreme poverty, because the country added 2.1 million people living in these conditions, thus adding a total of 10.8 million.

Mexico would be ranked as the fourth country to see the percentage of people living in poverty increase the most, even more than the average for the region, and the fifth that would increase the most extreme poverty among Latin American countries, ”the document said.

These data contrast with the 2018 scenario, where 61.1 million Mexicans earned below the poverty line, what he represented 48.8% of the total inhabitants.

In addition, the Mexican economy contracted 8.3% in 2020, its worst drop since the Great Depression of 1932, according to preliminary statistics from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).


Nearly four million Mexicans have fallen into poverty due to the pandemic
“I have other data”: AMLO disqualifies the Coneval report which recorded nearly 4 million more in poverty
PAN condemned increase in poverty during AMLO government

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