As early as tomorrow, Glovo delivery application starts to operate in Neuquen


Among the already affiliated companies and Glovo include Mc Donald's and Walmart. Users can request commercial products that are not in the app using the "no matter" option.

"The arrival of Glovo in Patagonia is part of its expansion throughout the country.The application integrates each month new regions and is already active in the federal capital, in different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (as La Plata, Lomas de Zamora , Quilmes and Mar del Plata), as well as in Rosario, Córdoba, Santa Fe and Mendoza, "he said. the company in a statement, in which they say that after a year in the country is "the most used delivery application.In 2018 only, it has obtained more than 1.5 million downloads, plus 2 million orders, more than 2550 member stores and more than 6,000 active enthusiasts per day. "

Among the most unique requests from users in other cities include: retrieve the business from an ex's house, wake up a boss, exchange information about the World Cup in Russia and send or recover lightsabers from the Star Wars movie, among others.

Resellers, also known as "glovers", are mainly managed by bike or motorcycle and are connected to the application where they can access the orders of different users divided into different categories: restaurants, restaurants, snacks and drinks, pharmacies, gifts. , Markets and others ..

How to use the application?

As a user, you only need to download the app for mobile devices from Google Play or the Apple Store, or access via to register in the system . Once the request is made, the customer can see, by geolocation, which messenger will take his order, the route that he will take and follow everything in real time.

To be able to access the application as "glover", it is necessary to respect certain minimum requirements such as: to be over 18 years old, to present a DNI, to be registered as monotributist, to have one smartphone with a 3G internet connection, have a means of transport with daily documentation (which can be: rolls, bike, motorcycle or car). In many cities, the application has a waiting list of people interested in generating income.


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