The area concerned called "ADIZ G20" includes a circular airspace of about 460 kilometers radius with a geographical center in the "VOR Ezeiza up to the limit of FIR Montevideo (FIR) According to official information published there are some days by the ANAC (National Civil Aviation Administration) and the EANA (Argentine Air Navigation Company, Traffic Control Authority).) Determination of these parameters to "protect" "today from 15 to 2 December at 22 hours the airspace of the province of Buenos Aires, part of the province of Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, in addition to the city of Buenos Aires, was made to through the badysis provided by the aerospace command dependent on the chiefs of staff of the armed forces led by Lieutenant General Bari del Valle Sosa.
The measure prohibits all types of unauthorized flights and, if an aircraft violates this restriction, it may be overturned. This is the last step performed by the pilot who intercepted the raider. The procedure, prior to the demolition, provides for a series of communications tending to the illegal landing of the aircraft. The sequence is in the rules of protection of the aerospace added to the decree n ° 1504/18 of the public security which signed the president Mauricio Macri and the ministers Patricia Bullrich (Security) and Oscar Aguad (Defense). The order of demolition must come from the Minister of Defense. The airspace surveillance and control group, located in Merlo, in the province of Buenos Aires, is the nerve center of all information of the air force radar system, the rapid alert against Stealth flights. In view of the G-20, the boss of the force, Enrique Amreim, promoted the construction of a replica of Merlo's facilities in the Condor building, headquarters of the force's headquarters. In a meeting room with countless screens and operators, the contact signals received at Merlo are repeated and processed. The housing is ready to have the presence of the minister, who should actually cover the position in Merlo, during the two days of the international summit. Alfredo Parodi, Undersecretary for Cyber Defense, also transferred this work to Condor. On the 3rd floor, he installed the "safe", the secure installation containing the operators and electronic equipment (hardware, servers, computers, etc.) provided as part of a call. 39; controversial offers launched by the Israeli company Rafael Systems in order to neutralize threats in cyberspace that attempt to attack the integrity of the information that will circulate because of the G-20 .
Without supersonic aircraft, the government has never renewed the deprogrammed Mirage. The interception of poachers will be in the hands of 3 Fightinghawks A4-AR aircraft which will be completed by 4 IA-63 Pampa II and 5 IA-58 Pucará. It is unclear whether the A4-ARs are equipped with air-to-air missiles that neutralize hostile devices at a safe distance. The force had 8 Sidewinder missiles of American origin, acquired for the A4-AR in 2005 on the occasion of the Summit of the Americas held in Mar del Plata. To date, the explosive of the warhead and the fuel are out of tolerance. Yes, they have weapons of 20 mm, a conventional weapon, the last resort in the well-known slang of "fighter planes" combat airmen to identify near or close air combat. The Pampas and Pucaras are equipped with 7.62 mm and 12.70 mm machine guns, respectively.
The pilot and aircraft configuration for the G-20 mission was based on maneuvers based on Tandil and Villa Gesell, involving everyone involved, as well as a C-130 Hercules used for in-flight refueling.
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