As the country catches fire, Bolsonaro makes fun of the natives | Chronic


President Jair Bolsonaro He said Friday, amid fires in the Amazon, that there would be no more indigenous reserves during his tenure, as there are "a lot of land and little natives", as part of its progress in enabling natural and environmental reserves to operate economically, such as the mining and agri-food industry.

Bolsonaro bets on a help in the next hours of his colleague from the United States, Donald Trumpand resuming the dialogue with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, after saying that he would only speak with the President of France, Emmanuel Macronwhen this is rectified on the concept of international sovereignty of the Amazon.

In the area of ​​firefighting, police have arrested in recent months a farmer accused of deforesting about 5,500 hectares in an environmental reserve of the Amazon state of Pará, using youth gangs to threaten the prosecutors of the bodies in charge. from the environment.

With the clash of official information on firefighting, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) provided the most graphic data on the August fires in the Brazilian Amazon, including landowners' fires against fires. forests.

On the 28th day of August, INPE images identified 28,104 sources of burning, including 23% in conservation units and 4% in Aboriginal lands. During the same period in 2018, the number of burned land was 7,974.

War against the natives

Encouraged by the fact that the economy did not go into recession and rose by 0.4% in the second quarter against a drop of 0.1 in the first quarter, Bolsonaro spoke with reporters today. he has ratified his confrontation with Macron, while maintaining his historic line against the resevas. indigenous

He also said that embbadies are required to reproduce the official version: "Some do not have my portrait yet, we can see that some still believe in "Lula Libre" & # 39; "He said paraphrasing the opposition campaign to demand the release of the former president imprisoned for corruption and whose release could be quickly dealt with by the court.

But for the third consecutive day, Bolsonaro was charged against the policy of the indigenous reserves, which represent 14% of the national territory and are envisaged in the Constitution.

"My decision is not to delineate (provide) more land for indigenous people, those that have been illegally delineated will be examined, and indigenous peoples want to be part of society."outfit.

"Is there a lot of land for few natives (with close to a million in Brazil) and no lobby? What is the interest behind that?"Bolsonaro said, again insisting on alleged environmental entities that use indigenous lands beyond the interest of Brazil.

On the other hand, while investigations of arson attacks on nature reserves were known, the Pará police had arrested the businessman from the company Fazenda Ouro Verde in the city of Goiania. José Brasil de Oliveira.

"He is accused of deforesting the equivalent of 6,000 stadiums in Maracaná in the environmental protection zone of Sao Felix do Xingú, south of the state of Pará, where , according to the prosecutor's office, on August 10, Bolognese landowners celebrated the "Day of the Fire". burning of fields and forests against fines imposed by environmental organizations.

Oliveira is accused of having recruited youth gangs against agents of environmental agencies of IBAMA and CMBIO, whose operational capacity has been reduced this year as a result of the economic adjustment undertaken by the Government on 1 January.

However, Bolsonaro said that he would wait in the coming hours for the "news" of Trump, who announced today that the Brazilian Foreign Minister was not at the behest of the day, Ernesto Araújo and the MP Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president's son said he was ambbadador to Washington.


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