Ascension of the dead by the landslide in Colombia | Chronic


At least 19 people have died and 16 others have been missing since Sunday in the Colombian town of Rosas, in the south-west of the country, by a landslide that "trailed and buried" after several days of heavy rains, local authorities announced this morning.

The collapse also cut "totally" the Pan-American route, the main one in this part of the country and linking Colombia to Ecuador, they added.

The Colombian president, Iván Duque, went on the spot to "attend the emergency" with housing ministers, Jonathan Malagónand transport, Ángela Maria Orozco.

"We hope soon to offer both housing solutions and comprehensive care to children who have lost their loved ones"said the president.

We arrived in Rosas, Cauca, to provide solutions and support to the community. We accompany them in this difficult moment, they have the support of the whole country. We take the necessary steps to help the victims. We ask God for the dead and their families.

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque)
April 22, 2019

Duque also pointed out that the removal of debris to allow pbadage through the "This is done with the utmost care, because there may be people on site and obviously we want to facilitate the work of identifying these people."

The landslide also left five injured, two of whom were taken to a Rosas clinic "acute stress", while the other three are in clinics in Popayan, capital of the department of Cauca.

The April rains, which had caused flooding in parts of Colombia, intensified during Holy Week and caused the overflow of the Telembi River, which flooded the town of Barbacoas, in the neighboring department of Nariño, bordering with Ecuador.

Community "Atencion" that moves to and from the south of the country, the road section Mojarras-Popayán has a total closure in the area called "Portachuelo" in the department of #Cauca by avalanche that hit houses. At that time, we perform relief work.

– Command Region4 (Cauca, Valle and Nariño) (@ Region4Policia)
April 21, 2019

The mayor of Barbacoas, Éder Escobar, badured that "there are no deaths", but he expressed his concern because "there are more than 12 neighborhoods affected"reported the EFE news agency.

The rains also caused a collapse in a neighborhood in southern Bogota, affecting 58 families, 27 of whom had to evacuate their homes and another 12 were interviewed. "Do not use houses to avoid a major emergency."

In addition, another 1,000 people living in rural areas of Antioquia Department (north-west) suffered from complications and waterlogging during the rainy season, while in the municipality of San Luis died Friday. a tourist driven by the surge of the Dormilón river.


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