ASF found irregularities for more than 67 billion pesos in the first year of AMLO’s presidency


Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF)
Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF)

Up to 67 thousand 498 million pesos of irregularities were detected by the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) during the first year of the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. This had been announced the day before by David Colmenares Páramo, auditor of the body, before the Chamber of Deputies, in the third installment of the individual reports and the general executive report of the public account of 2019.

According to the 2019 public accounts review, the irregularities are payments to deceased beneficiaries, services that could not be verified, workers for unknown costs of signatures in contracts, duplicate payments and resources that have not been reimbursed even if they have not been paid. .

One of the aspects on which such movements were noted was the payment of pensions to the elderly, in the amount of 992 million 680 thousand 415 pesos. And it is that the third installment of the higher audit of the public account 2019, recorded that the Banco del Bienestar made payments in the amount of 983 million 663 thousand 600 pesos to 77 thousand 117 elderly people from all over Mexico which cannot be verified with any document or normative evidence because not all of them, supposedly, have the Unique Population Registration Code (CURP).


In the case of the other 511 beneficiaries, their pensions were doubled to an amount of one million 836 pesos. And another 6 million 308 thousand 700 pesos there is no evidence that proves where the concept of “March payment” came from, which corresponds to 4 thousand 948 beneficiaries.

The ASF also revealed that 872 thousand pesos were delivered to 234 people who appeared as beneficiaries but died between 1977 and 2018, which is why their inclusion in the list of beneficiaries paid for the year 2019 has no effect. meaning.

Likewise, the agency announced that there were more than 263 million pesos pending clarification in the operation of the federal government’s program, Youth Build the Future.

Social assistance grants are intended for people living in poverty or vulnerability in order to reduce the school dropout rate. They offer four supports: Well-Being Scholarship for Basic Education Families, Universal Scholarship for Benito Juárez High School Students, Youth Writing Future Scholarship and Elisa Acuña Scholarships.

Youth Building the Future (Photo: Screenshot / YouTube @ Youth Building the Future)
Youth Building the Future (Photo: Screenshot / YouTube @ Youth Building the Future)

The ASF pointed out that the National Coordination of Scholarships for the Welfare Benito Juárez, in charge of the Secretariat of Welfare, reported the handing over of the resources of the scholarship to 72 holders of beneficiary families despite the fact that they are deceased before, the amount is 115,200 pesos.

In addition, payments have been made for amounts greater than those established and there is no supporting documentation to justify the payment to 347 beneficiaries for 565,400 pesos.

All the supporting documents and justifying the maintenance payments of the previous years, amounting to 834,400 pesos, were also not presented.

Regarding the fuel item and the rental of IT equipment and goods, reimbursement of 311,300 pesos was not granted and various deliverables were not presented for 71 million 885,100 pesos.

Young people build the future (Photo:
Young people build the future (Photo:

The audit found that out of 458 paid professional service providers, there are no supporting documents demonstrating the materialization of the services provided, and / or presenting inconsistencies in their contracts and activity reports, the amount s ‘amounts to 15 million 855.8 pesos.

The ASF concluded that the management of federal public resources in this program “does not ensure the best conditions of economy, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and honesty for the State”.

From now on, the agency in charge of the program must respond to requests for clarification from the ASF, so they still cannot be considered as damage to the treasury.


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