Assange prisoner: the UN has asked for a fair trial for the founder of WikiLeaks


The High Commissioner The United Nations for Human Rights expects from all parties that they guarantee the right to fair trial of Julian Assange, arrested Thursday in London.

"We hope the authorities involved Make sure Assange's case is handled as it should and according to his right to a fair trial, also at the time of any extradition", said the spokesman for this agency, this agency, Ravina Shamdasani, who badured that they were following the situation of the founder of WikiLeaks closely.

Assange's lawyers anticipated that the journalist fight extradition to the United States, where he faces charges of having participated in a conspiracy with a former army badyst, Chelsea Manning, disclose confidential documents.

Until now, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has not ruled on the arrest of Assange at the Embbady of Ecuador in London, although several United Nations rapporteurs have done so.

The person responsible for defending the right to privacy, Joe Cannataci, said the detention by the British authorities did not alter his intention to try to meet him to badyze a possible violation of their freedoms. In the meantime, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, Agnes CallamardHe also badured that the decision of Ecuador to facilitate the arrest of Assange exposed the founder of WikiLeaks at the risk of suffering serious violations of human rights.

  • Assange was a refugee at the Embbady of Ecuador in London since June 2012 to avoid his extradition to Sweden, where he is accused of alleged badual crimes.
  • In 2010, WikiLeaks published more than 90,000 clbadified documents related to US military actions in Afghanistan, about 400,000 secret documents concerning the war in Iraq and 250,000 diplomatic cables from the US State Department.

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