Assange, sentenced to nearly one year in prison by a "pirate" court | Chronic


The Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was sentenced to 50 weeks, that is to say to nearly one year in prison by a London court, for having breached in 2012 the conditions of parole imposed by the British courts to following an extradition order to Sweden.

Assange (47) appeared in Southwark District Court defending his case, after being convicted by another British court on April 11, after being arrested at the Ecuadorian Embbady in New York. London, where he lived as a refugee for nearly seven years.

Julian Assange will be sentenced tomorrow at 10:30 am by the Southwark Crown Court for "violating his bail conditions" while applying for and obtaining political asylum. Thursday at 10 am, the Westminster District Court will hold a hearing on the extradition request filed by the United States.

– Wikileaks (@wikileaks)
April 30, 2019

"It is difficult to imagine a more serious example of this crime," baderted at the judge's hearing Deborah Taylor, go to Assange. The magistrate added that "hide in the embbady", June 19, 2012, Assange had "deliberately evaded justice while remaining in the UK".

With that, the judge considered that he had "exploited his privileged position to break the law," recorded the news agency EFE.

During the court hearing, a letter written by Assange was read in which he asked "Apologies without reservations" to those who consider that he has "Lack of respect" for the way he handled his case.

"I found myself in a difficult situation, did what I thought was the best or maybe the only thing I could have done," Assange explained in the letter, in which he also acknowledged that "he regrets the course he took" the situation.

These difficulties – continues the letter- "They had an impact on a lot of other people." The defense lawyer, Mark Summers, pointed out that in recent years his client had been "control" for him "fear" to deliver to the United States, where he is judged by the thousands of cables broadcast by his portal, which badumes the possibility of charges of espionage.

On 11 April, a British judge sentenced Assange for failing to be brought to trial seven years ago, when he was charged with bad crimes allegedly committed in Stockholm.

The activist was arrested by British agents the same day, shortly after the President's Ecuadorian government Lenin Moreno put an end to the diplomatic asylum granted to it in 2012 by its predecessor, Rafael Correa.

In parallel, Assange is expected to appear again tomorrow in the Westminster Magistrates Court, this time by videoconference from Belmarsh Prison, to begin the extradition process in the United States.


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