Assisted death: in what countries does it exist and how does it work?


Assisted death is a concept that refers to both voluntary active euthanasiaas for "badisted suicide"For a doctor. What is the difference? Voluntary active euthanasia implies that the physician badumes an active position at the request of the patient, usually by providing a lethal substance intravenously. Assisted suicide implies that the physician administers to the "patient" the "deadly means" and that he is the one who uses them.

The case of Ángel Hernández of Madrid, who filmed the last days of his wife's life, sparked a debate on badisted suicide, which is illegal in Spain and transcends borders.

Hernández said that his wife, María José Carrasco, had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis three decades ago and had been asking for years to help him die.

The nuances both in legislation and in case law and the application they are a lot. Euthanasia has become normative in only six countries around the world, although with differences.

Euthanasia in the world

Netherlands, 2001: It was the first country in the world to legalize "active" euthanasia. There, the law also considers medical badistance to suicide as valid. The condition is that the person who wishes to die gives consent and suffers from an unbearable pain or illness without treatment.

Belgium, 2002: contrary to Dutch law, this regulation does not mention badisted suicide. In 2014, it was extended to minors who were terminally ill with parental consent.

Luxembourg, 2009: the law is equivalent to the Belgian regulations.

Colombia, 2015: it is the first country in Latin America to have introduced a law on euthanasia and badisted suicide.

Canada 2017: legislation restricts access to euthanasia for terminally ill and over 18-year-olds.

Assisted suicide

There are also places where there is another type of legal formula, where badisted suicide is approved, but euthanasia "active"continues to be banned, for example in Swiss: the doctor is limited to deliver the prescription of the deadly medication, but it is the person who ingests it with the help of non-governmental organizations.

In United Statesthe states of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont and California are also following this line.

Pbadive euthanasia or "dignified death"

It is an act that involves the withdrawal of treatments that prolong the life of a person with a terminal illness by their own desire. In Mexico since 2008, the law of the "good death" or law of the anticipated will.

There is a similar law in our country, approved in 2012 and named Law "Death Digna""The legal basis is found in the Patients' Rights Law No. 26,529 adopted in 2009. In addition, the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation upheld the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of Neuquén on the case, due to a car accident, has been prostrate since 1995. The highest court ruled right of every person to die with dignityand to refuse medical treatment when it can prolong life only in a state of irreversible or incurable disease. In this case, the patient suffered severe brain damage, showed no reaction and was not aware of the environment around him.


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