AstraZeneca vaccine is 79% effective …


AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine has been shown to be 79% effective in preventing disease and not increasing the risk of blood clotsbased on the results of phase 3 trials conducted in the United States and other countries. In recent weeks, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Luxembourg, among other European countries, vaccination campaigns with the drug AstraZeneca were suspended after the detection of cases of thrombosis in inoculated persons.

Phase 3 trials in the United States, Chile and Peru of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford 32,449 people involved, two-thirds of which received a dose, according to the pharmaceutical company. About 20% of participants were 65 or older, and about 60 percent were at risk because they had diabetes, obesity or heart problems.

Tests conducted by an independent team found that there is no increased risk of thrombi among the 21,583 participants who received at least one dose and that the vaccine was well tolerated, noted the independent safety oversight body (DSMB).

“These data confirm previous results seen in trials of AZD1222 in all adult populations, but it is very exciting to see results of similar efficacy for the first time in people over 65,” Ann said. Falsey, a professor at the College of Medicine at the University of Rochester and one of the researchers who conducted the trials.

“This review recognizes AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine as one of the most needed vaccination options and offers confidence so that adults of all ages can benefit from protection against the virus, ”he added.

For his part, Andrew Pollard, principal investigator of the trial at the University of Oxford, praised the results of the research, which he called “big news” which “shows the remarkable effectiveness of the vaccine. in a new population and are consistent with the results of the Oxford study. conducted tests. “

“We can expect a strong impact against covid-19 in all age groups and in people of different backgrounds from widespread use of the vaccine.he added.

Additionally, Sarah Gilbert, one of the scientists who designed the AstraZeneca vaccine, noted that the new findings “provide further confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the drug.”

“In many countries and in all age groups,” he said, the vaccine offers a high level of protection against covid-19 and we are confident that this will lead to more widespread use of the vaccine in global attempts to end the pandemic. “

AstraZeneca will now provide the data to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and seek emergency approval for its use.

In Europe, various countries have suspended vaccination after cases of thrombi were detected in people who had been inoculated with the drug AstraZeneca. Last week, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reported that the vaccine is “safe and effective”, so Italy, France, Germany and other European countries have decided to resume their campaigns vaccination.


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