AstraZeneca vaccine questions: an expert …


An expert from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) assured that there is “a link” between the vaccine against the coronavirus produced by Astrazeneca and the cases of thrombosis recorded among those inoculated. However, a few hours later, his EMA denied it, and detailed in a statement that the entity “has not yet reached a conclusion and the review is ongoing “, an evaluation the result of which will be announced “tomorrow (Wednesday April 7) or Thursday April 8”.

the Head of Strategy for EMA Vaccines, Marco Cavaleri, assured in an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero that “now we can say it, it is clear that there is a link with the vaccine, which causes this reaction. However, we don’t yet know why. “ Further, he added, “in the next few hours we are going to say that there is a connection, but we have yet to understand why this is happening.”

Cavaleri thus mentioned the vaccine whose application in different countries, such as Italy, France, Germany, among others, had suspended their vaccination campaigns, which they resumed after the EMA declared that the drug was “safe and effective”.

Cavaleri argued that the European health authority should officially take a decision on this issue. “We are trying to have a precise framework of what is happening, to define the syndrome due to the vaccine (…) Among those vaccinated, the number of cases of cerebral thrombosis in young people is higher than expected. That we will have to say“he added.

Several weeks ago Questions Raised About Possible Side Effects of AstraZeneca Vaccine, which recently changed its name to Vaxevria. Some of the cases of thrombosis caused death. In the UK, there have been 30 cases and 7 deaths out of a total of 18.1 million doses administered through March 24.

So far, the EMA maintains that “a causal link with the vaccine has not been demonstrated”, as its executive director, Emer Cooke, explained several days ago. On this basis, the health authority has given the green light for the continuation of vaccination campaigns in Europe and has determined that the drug produced by AstraZeneca is safe and effective.

For the pharmaceutical company, its vaccine against covid-19 outweighs the risk of side effects and he assured Saturday that “patient safety” is his “top priority”


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