At 14: dig a well in the yard and build a cave with light and Wi-Fi


Andres Cantó is a young Spanish man who turned an argument with his parents into an engineering job that today attracts the attention of thousands of followers in social networks. Is that, angry with his parents for a little disagreement, in 2015, this 14-year-old started to dig a well deep in his family home.

What started as an emotional blast from an irritated puberty today has turned into a cave where Andres you can live peacefully, because it has three rooms and a series of conventional comforts such as light, heating and even the signal of Wireless.

The child fought with the parents and dug a cave in the back which now has three rooms and amenities – Source: Twitter @ andresito_16

The fabulous architectural work of this young man from Alicante, which was helped by a friend in his original business, was broadcast by himself Singing on his Twitter account and immediately became a viral phenomenon which even has regular updates.

Because the work in the cave continues, and its progress continues to amaze the adepts, who salute the initiative and the work of this place which began so simply “Andrés’ hole” and today it processes the municipal permit to legalize the work.

March 9, 2015. After a prepubescent temper tantrum, I started poking the terrace. I didn’t handle emotions very well, ”he wrote on his Cantó Twitter account. Thus began a thread in which the whole history of the cave will develop.

The well began to be built in the yard of the house of the young man’s parents, near an already existing hole where the family planned to build a swimming pool which was not built later due to lack of funds. This happened when the young man was barely 14 years old, and the place of what would be his architectural feat is located in a small town of 2400 people from Alicante called La Romana.

The cave has electricity, heating and an internet signal
The cave has electricity, heating and an internet signalTwitter / @ andresito_16

Cantó found the pleasure of digging and soon the matter became a little more serious. Two and a half years ago, she decided she could give her first temper tantrum a practical focus. At that time, his friend also appeared on the scene. Andreu Palomero who, impressed by what his companion was doing, decided to help him with his excavation work.

After making a ladder that lowered a few feet from ground level, the boy continued to cut dirt on the side to make the first piece. “The cave emerged between what the earth allowed me and my own imagination,” Cantó told Spanish media Nius Diario.

Andrés Cantó designed a system of pulleys to extract the earth from the cave while he was digging
Andrés Cantó designed a system of pulleys to extract the earth from the cave while he was diggingTwitter / @ andresito_16

Advance in his descent and in the others excavations The two young men created a pulley system so that they could remove dirt from the hole without having to constantly enter and exit the hole. “I don’t have any construction experience, but over time I learned,” said the young man, who is now 20 and studying to be an actor.

To this day, Cantó and his friend Palomero They built three rooms in the hole, secured with arches and pillars to prevent landslides that could be fatal. Two of these independent spaces are located approximately three and a half meters deep and the third, at four meters.

In addition, in these places there is furniture, a bed and the place has electricity, Internet connection – he has paid for unlimited data and uses his cell phone as a router – and even a heater by tubes which give heat to all the rooms.

The cave of Andrés has three rooms, two of which are three and a half meters deep and a third four meters.
The cave of Andrés has three rooms, two of which are three and a half meters deep and a third four meters.Twitter / @ andresito_1

Thanks to all this comfort, Andrés spends many hours with his friends in this place. There you can stand in all the rooms and the cave building experts have given the go ahead for safety matters.

Currently, young people keep digging. He spends an hour and a half in the morning and another hour and a half in the afternoon at work, and his family members have already gotten used to saying that the boy is “in Andres’s hole” every time he goes to work. ‘they lose sight of it. And they are not wrong.

The cave is located in a town in Alicante called La Romana, with only 2,400 inhabitants
The cave is located in a town in Alicante called La Romana, with only 2,400 inhabitantstwitter / @ andresito_16

But the work of Andres Cantó He also encountered complaints. When a few days ago the boy told his story in Twitter, some residents of their town claimed that Andres he had to pay taxes on his “house”. He even received a visit from the The police station do a cave inspection. Fortunately, the visit approved the work.

“They told me they were worried that someone might come and fall, but it’s private property and no one can enter without our permission,” the young man said. “Those of Seprona have already come (Nature protection service) and those of The police station to certify the cave. Everything is in order, folks. Very nice, them, ”he added in another message.

But among all the comments that emerged on social media, there was a recurring one: those from people who consulted him on how he could prevent the cave from being flooded by heavy rain. “The cave is made on a high and water does not accumulate, and the access is covered by a roof. In addition, water makes the earth more compact and safer. When you’re inside it’s so deep you don’t even know it’s been raining, ”the boy said.

Despite the fact that his cave is already fully habitable, that it has all the comforts and that he has invested thousands of hours of his life in the construction Andres you haven’t finished your homework. “I think I’m going to keep wanting to dig in and make it bigger. I don’t set limits», He concluded.


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