At Greenpeace, they celebrate the controversial statements of Bolsonaro


Adriana Charoux, coordinator of the Greenpeace Brazil forest campaign, spoke with MDZ Radio on fires affecting millions of hectares of Amazonia. The environmentalist criticized President Jair Bolsonaro's remarks but admitted that, even though these comments were regrettable, they were putting the issue of the environment at the center of the scene.

Specifically, the President of Brazil said that it was possible that it was "a criminal action on the part of these environmental NGOs to draw attention to me, against the Government of Brazil; it's the war we're facing. " For Charoux, these words pose economic problems in the country because the world community repudiates these words. But, at the same time, he acknowledged that they aroused citizens' interest in environmental issues.

"It is true that Bolsonaro was able to make all families talk about the environment, and in recent days we have seen a lot of social media traffic, a lot of support and people who have asked Greenpeace to do more, people ask what we do, an opportunity to broaden the debate and to get more people to support us because we are independent and we stay with people like me and you, "he said in the show. You will know.

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Despite the fact that he saw the glbad half full, he acknowledged that Bolsonaro's statements worried them and said he wanted to "cover up the consequences of bad environmental policies led by his leadership".

"In general, it is said that the Amazon is a big lung of the planet, but it is said that it is the global air conditioner.It pumps millions of liters of water to distribute the water. humidity and heat, thus contributing to the regulation of the global climate.Brazil is essential for global climate relationship, "he said.

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In this regard, the Greenpeace member has accused the president of dismantling the country's environmental policy and economically damaging Brazil by encouraging practices that are contrary to the environment. "The president's speech generates a bad image of Brazil in the world.It speaks of development but it is the opposite, because a Brazil without forest will have less rain and less opportunities," he said. he declared.

"What Greenpeace will continue to do, is to denounce the problems, calling for parades in the streets to defend the Amazon.We hope people will put energy and we will bring qualified information to know the problem we encounter, "he concluded.


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