At least five pro-Iran militiamen killed in US bombing raids in Syria and Iraq


In the image, a recording of Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby.  EFE / Shawn Thew / Archives
In the image, a recording of Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby. EFE / Shawn Thew / Archives

At least 5 pro-government militiamen backed by the Iranian regime have died and others have been injured in US-led shelling on the border between Syria and Iraq., as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Monday.

El organismo, con sede en Londres e informantes en el país, ha indicado que el ataque aéreo ha alcanzado objetivos de las Fuerzas de Movilización Popular (FMP) -una coalition of milicias progubernamentales iraquíes- in the zona fronteriza con Irak y dentro del territorio del Country.

Hashed Al Shaabi fighters have confirmed that “A handful of fighters” died in the attacks.

“We have already said that we would not remain silent in the face of the presence of the American occupation forces which goes against our constitution and the vote of the deputies (…) We will avenge the blood of martyrsSaid members of the coalition which brings together pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, some of which sometimes act outside the Hashed framework.

The United States Department of Defense on Sunday confirmed an airstrike on the border between Syria and Iraq by American forces against infrastructure used by Iranian-backed militias, “By order of the President,” Joe Biden.

As Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reported in a statement, this action is due to the fact that “these facilities are being used by Iranian-backed militias who had planned attacks on personnel and facilities. Americans in Iraq ”.

Afrin (Syria) EFE / EPA / YAHYA NEMAH / Archives
Afrin (Syria) EFE / EPA / YAHYA NEMAH / Archive

Yes indeed, the attack destroyed “weapons storage and exploitation facilities at two locations in Syria and one location in Iraq, both near the border between those countries” which “were used by militias such as Kataeb Hezbollah and Kait’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), also known as the Sayyid Battalion of Martyrs.

“In view of the series of ongoing attacks by Iranian-backed groups against US interests in Iraq, the president has taken further military action to stop and deter such attacks,” Kirby urged and described this measure as “necessary, appropriate and deliberate to limit the risk of escalation” as well as “to send a dissuasive, clear and unequivocal message”.

Likewise, he justified that the United States had acted “in accordance with its right to self-defense” and stressed that this attack had been “of limited scope”. “We are in Iraq at the invitation of the Government of Iraq for the sole purpose of assisting the Iraqi military forces in their efforts to defeat the Islamic State.“, settled down.

This is another foreign military attack authorized by Biden after in February of this year he first authorized a bombing raid in eastern Syria, in which at least 22 pro-government militants supported by Iran were killed, according to the Syrian Observatory. Human rights.

The relationship between the United States and Iran is at a critical stage, before a possible negotiation of a return to the nuclear pact, which the United States unilaterally abandoned in 2018 under the administration of Donald Trump, and in the context of growing fear among Western countries about Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons.

(With information from Europa Press)


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