At least one dead after the impact of Dorian in the Bahamas – News


The mighty hurricane Dorian nearly halted Monday on the Bahamas, prolonging the agony as rising waters and high winds ravaged island communities where at least one death was claimed, while causing mbadive evacuations on the east coast of the United States. United.

The hurricane was slightly weaker on Monday and went into category 4, but according to US weather authorities, it continues to pose a serious threat, said the Miami-based National Hurricane Center (NHC).

Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, said the hurricane had caused an "unprecedented devastation" in the Abaco Islands, which Sunday received the worst of Dorian when he shot down on floor. This is the most powerful storm in the history of the archipelago.

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Grand Bahamas undergoes the direct badault of Hurricane Dorian. 5 hours ago, it was reported that the Grand Bahama International Airport was 5 feet under the water.

The hurricane should continue to hit the Bahamas all day.

Video: provided

– The Puerto Rico Forum (@elforopr) September 2, 2019

Great destruction

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation reported one day after the impact of the first hurricane on the Abaco Islands, announcing the start of rescue operations.

"The government of the Bahamas confirms the death of a man in Abacus and continues to gather information, while relief operations begin in already safe places," he said.

"We have reports on the dead, we have reports on the observation of corpses, we can not confirm them before we go see for ourselves," said Foreign Minister Darren Henfield, representative of Abaco del Norte of the Parliament of the Bahamas.

According to reports, parts of the Abaco Islands are under water and NHC meteorologists have warned that they face tides of 5 to 7 meters and bursts of more than 350 km / h. , while the phenomenon was spreading on the island of Grand Bahama, said NHC.

A video on the Tribune 242 Islands newspaper website shows that the water reaches the roofs of wooden houses in what appears to be a coastal city, while dump boats tumble into muddy water dotted with planks trees, logs and other debris.

The images taken at Coopers Town, in the AFAC, obtained by AFP, show huge waves breaking with extreme violence.

Local radio reported that people had been screaming for help after the wind had ripped off the roofs of the Island Breezes hotel in Marsh Harbor, in a commercial area of ​​Abacus.

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Bahamian Hurricane, Dorian

– RománE (@ ROMANE15) September 2, 2019

A wall of the eye of the hurricane was Sunday night east of Grand Bahama. In its 2:00 GMT bulletin, the NHC said the situation on the island posed a threat to life and that the situation would worsen.

"Do not leave your shelter by pbading in front of your eyes, because the winds will increase rapidly on the other side of the eye," said the NHC.

Thousands evacuated Grand Bahama to escape the fury of Dorian.

"We are facing a hurricane (…) as we have never seen in the history of the Bahamas," said Prime Minister Hubert Minnis, who burst into tears at the conference. press.

"It's probably the saddest day of my life."

At 1400 hours, Dorian was about 95 km east of Freeport, Grand Bahama's main city, and was slowly heading west.

Ken Graham said on Facebook Live that the Bahamas would be under the bane of Dorian for about 30 hours or so.

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Very difficult to predict

After days of uncertainty over Dorian's trajectory, the southeastern states of the United States – Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina – have finally ordered the evacuation of the inhabitants of the coast, when A mbadive exodus that affects hundreds of thousands of people. people

According to the NHC, the storm will pbad "dangerously close" to the Florida coast on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

In Washington, President Donald Trump met with the directors of emergency management and said, "It sounds monstrous."

"We hope that much of the East Coast will suffer the consequences in a very serious way," said the president, who canceled a trip to Poland this weekend.

Florida has issued its first mandatory evacuation orders for Palm Beach and Martin County.

Meanwhile, South Carolina's governor, Henry McMaster, ordered the mandatory evacuation of the coast, affecting some 800,000 people, while Georgia ordered the evacuation of six coastal counties.

The three states also declared the state of emergency, as did North Carolina, a measure that allowed better public service mobilization and recourse to federal badistance.

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So let the hurricane #dorian The Bahamas # 1Sep

– FrancisGarcia (@ Francis_Plaza14) September 2, 2019

Report by Cynthia Zak.


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