At rest, the Pope asked for more Bible and less cell phone


As announced over the weekend, Pope Francis continues on a limited schedule due to his sciatic nerve pain, a chronic and recurrent condition in your health. Vatican official spokesman Matteo Bruni did not release another statement today confirming whether Pope Francis will resume his activities tomorrow, Tuesday 26, albeit on a limited basis. A silence that can be read both as a good sign or as a warning.

Anyway, the Pope, who received the Pfizer-BioNtech coronavirus vaccine on January 13, did not want to stop being heard or be completely absent. Even with this diagnosis of rest and limited activity, the presidency of the Angelus Sunday noon at the Apostolic Library.

During this homily, devoted to a passage from the evangelist Mark, he underlined the need for conversion: “it is a question of changing mentality and change your life: stop following the models of the world, but that of God, who is Jesus ”.

“Jesus did not use half words,” said the Pope. Then he added that “conversion” means “to change your mind and change your life: no longer follow the models of the world, but that of God, who is Jesus”. The Pontiff explained specifically that “worldliness has brought to the world a mentality which tends to assert itself against others”.

Without a doubt, the question of solidarity is one of those which haunts his thoughts the most. Today he tweeted: “the good and the bad that we do spreads to others”.

Although she would also have liked to be present, her back pain prevented her from taking charge of the Sunday of the Word of God, a new apostolic commitment that he himself created in 2019. However, his replacement, Bishop Rino Fisichella, was in his name at the Altar of the Chair in the Vatican Basilica. And he underlined it every two words.

From there he read the homily that the Holy Father himself had prepared, and he always made it clear that it was Francisco speaking through his lips. In his words he asked people “Ask the Lord for strength to turn off the television and open the Bible; disconnect the mobile and open the Gospel ”.

Turning off the television and reading the Bible, to reach God, and vice versa, was the central theme of God’s Word Sunday.

Pope Francis He was forced to disassociate himself from the other two major events on Monday’s agenda. The first consisted of Vespers at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St. Paul’s Basilica, which was passed to Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity. . And the second, a routine meeting with the diplomatic corps of the Holy See, it was directly postponed without specifying a new date.

This pain that the holy father suffers it is immobilize and usually occurs when the patient has a herniated disc or crushed vertebrae in the spine which compresses the sciatic nerve. Burn, cause handles and it hurts because the nerve becomes inflamed and even prevents normal walking or return to a vertical position. Staying in the same position for a long time – sitting, standing or even lying down – exacerbates it. In mild cases, it resolves with medication, rest, and kinesiology within a few weeks. In the most severe and repeated cases, bowel function may be affected and require surgery.


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