At the height of the pandemic, Donald Trump announced the opening of the borders but Joe Biden confirmed that he would maintain the restrictions


Hours after the transfer of command, United States President Donald Trump continues to complicate the playing field for his successor Joe Biden whenever he can. On Monday evening, he announced he would lift restrictions imposed by the coronavirus and will reopen the borders with much of Europe and Brazil from January 26, when the Democrat is already in power. At the height of the pandemic, this forced Biden’s team to announce that they would continue with the ban.

In a White House statement, Trump announced the reopening of borders with much of Europe and Brazil from January 26, lifting restrictions imposed last March to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “This measurement is the best way to keep protecting Americans Covid-19 while allowing travel to resume safely, ”Trump said in a statement issued by the White House.

The President made it clear that they will lift the entry suspensions to the United States of foreigners who have been physically present in the Schengen area (most of Europe), the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and in Brazil. He also said he would require a negative PCR from passengers arriving from those countries. The statement clarified that the measure did not reach China or Iran “who have repeatedly refused to cooperate with the United States and US health authorities.”

United States has already passed 24 million coronavirus patients and is on the verge of reaching 400,000 deaths. In the middle of winter and after the Christmas and New Years festivities, there is a spike in cases across the country and a new strain alert, a combo that has forced restrictions on certain activities to be reintroduced in several states.

The Biden government, which will assume this Wednesday, has made the fight against the pandemic one of its main priorities, with a tougher approach based on the advice of its team of scientists. With his executive order, Trump has once again left a complicated legacy for his successor, whom he accuses without evidence of committing fraud in the November 3 election.

That’s why Biden’s team immediately came to announce that Democratic government will not lift restrictions. Future White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki tweeted minutes after Trump’s announcement that “with the pandemic worsening and the most contagious variants emerging around the world, now is not the time. to lift restrictions on international travel “. said. “With the advice of our team of doctors, the administration does not intend to lift these restrictions on January 26. In fact, we plan to restrict public health measures on international travel to alleviate the contagion of Covid19 ”.

Trump, who has not admitted defeat, delayed the transition and will not attend the inauguration ceremony, has made several decisions that complicate his successor. He appointed men of his confidence to key positions at the last minute and announced, for example, the withdrawal of a large part of the American troops from Afghanistan without consulting the Democrat.


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