At the request of Mauricio Macri, Mercosur MPs will not be elected this year


As could be known from official sources, with this statement of Mercosur it manages to suspend the parliamentary elections that were to take place on the same day as the presidential elections, beyond which the 2014 law creating these elections continues.

"The States Parties to Mercosur have concluded an additional protocol amending the Constitution of the Mercosur Parliament and a joint declaration on the functioning of this body, both of which have been concluded by mutual agreement between Argentina and Argentina. Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, in the framework of the exercise of sovereign powers, to correct the imbalances in the integration of Parlasur "he expressed Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.

New Protocol establishes that the Parlasur will work integrated by the legislators of the national parliaments of each country "until the election of parliamentarians of the Mercosur simultaneously in all States Rooms by the direct, universal and secret suffrage of the citizens ".

So far, although all Member States have made a commitment to directly elect their representatives, only the Argentina and Paraguay they did it.


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"The existence of this asymmetry was foreseen in the Protocol constitutivebut during a limited transition period that has been successively extended, creating difficulties for the functioning and representativeness of society. Parlasur"He stressed Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is a resolution adapted to the national government, which wanted to withdraw the election of parliamentarians in October, and who with this negotiation with its partners Mercosur He managed to suspend it.

"This statement mainly concerns Argentina only because Brazil has already had elections and Uruguay has never chosen", official sources said.

According to the protocol, "parliamentarians of the Mercosur the direct elected representatives whose mandate is in progress will continue to perform their duties until the end of their mandate ".

"The instruments adopted preserve the fundamental principles of the Mercosur such as balance and reciprocity of rights and obligations between States Rooms while reaffirming the goal of consolidating the Parlasur as an independent and autonomous parliamentary body representing the peoples of the world Mercosur"Added Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In March, Macri I had asked the The Congress that the repeal of the Law 27,120 which establishes the election of legislators of the Parlasur through the vote, considering that "It costs a fortune". On this occasion, he also affirmed that the deputies and senators who are the representatives of the country in Regional Legislative.


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