At this point I prefer to keep things that I feel


For a few months, Pico Mónaco and Pampita stopped showing together and rumors of separation became strong. Neither the model nor the extenist gave statements to the press and both were very secretive when they talked about each other.

However, in the last days, there were things that made us think that they could be closer to what everyone believed. This week, Pico was seen in Pampita's house leaving her dog and now several media have badured that she would be going to Miami to meet her.

In dialogue with Intruders and other television media, Monaco He said that he no longer wanted to talk about his private life: "At this point I prefer to keep the things I feel, a lot of things have been said and right now I want to protect myself, at some point I will speak " " It's a new world for me, I've been working on TV for a year , but I do not live there, luckily I had a career playing tennis and television for me is a hobby that I like a lot " concluded.

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