ATR Campaign: José Alperovich copied a place for Rafael Correa


Next Sunday, June 9 Tucumán will go to the polls to elect a new governor (or himself). One of the candidates is José Alperovich, who is looking to return to this post after being three times.

And to campaign, the man linked to Kirchnerism has presented a commercial … equal to an international: it is that the propaganda of Alperovich is identical in idea and in development to a campaign of Rafael Correa, the former president of Ecuador.

Both countries (Alperovich and Correa) cycle their terroirs, which are similar – the mountains of Tucumán and the suburbs of Quito. They cross the path of people, they make an effort to reach the top … it is so much but so identical the task of the current senator who They both wear a light blue jacket and they last the same.

Cycling is a symbol of closeness between the candidate and the people and is a healthy activity, but Alperovich does not speak but the voice that is heard is that of a speaker. That's the only difference with Correa's, who says his own lines.

Will Alperovich be aware of the similarity of his place with that of Correa? Or will not know the former Ecuadorian president? Would it be the same filmmaker who took up the idea and killed two birds with one stone?

The text of the spot Alperovich

"Cuesta, it's hard to get up, it's hard to start.It's hard to follow, but once it starts spinning, there is more way to stop it.If we know about it the people of Tucumán: whatever happens, we always go ahead. Just because it's in our mind. We do not let down Never again, today we are going fast, we come with a very special energy, among those who, in addition to giving us the strength to follow, tell us that what we want so much, we are more than Never, be protagonists, nothing is more beautiful than to feel that the inhabitants of Tucuman have nothing and that nobody prevents us, because those who believe to be able to do it Let's do Tucumán together. "


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